Hello UE community, I started to learn ue and i must say that it . This is my first project and its work in progress, so you can rate it, give an advice and just chat
At the moment im trying to reach a realistic waves with foam. I will update it as often as i can, and sorry for my bad english
Here is a first attempt. Not perfect, and too far from what i want to get, but now i have the basis. It needs lot of tweaking. (normal bump and some other things are terrible atm, but im working on it)
Sorry about video quality, but after many tries thats best i got. What software and codecs do you use to record videos? :rolleyes:
Really good! Possibly best sand/water interaction for beach side i have seen so far. Is this all done trough normal map only or is some tessellation going on?
Yeah I agree - this is looking great. Do these waves only work in one direction, or would this work for an island with beaches on all sides? Would love to hear how you’re doing it.
Thanks alot. At the moment there is just displacement and normals. Water mesh doesn’t have enough polys so those waves are not detailed (have to keep scene simple cos my pc is old and weak :(). Tesselation feature is and ive seen few tuts about it but not tried it out yet (but i will ) Waves moving in one direction, but i will think about making it suitable for more complex scenes like islands when im happy with the result of base material.
Theres no specular on translucent mats as far as i know, so have to figure out how to do it aswell.
I am genuinely impressed by this as I’m patiently waiting for a solid plug n play ocean shaded and have been watching all the related thread videos for over a year, and there is something very real about your overall sea motion.
The waves breaking on the beach tend to stop and reverse too abruptly but I think the rhythm and effect is lovely.
How far are you going to take this project? As I said I’m waiting for an ocean shaded that does it all - natural motion, interacting with beaches/rocks/objects, whether it’s marketplace or not I don’t mind.
If it’s not something you were going to put on the marketplace have you considered using your skills in the community ocean project?
thx, Planning to make it as far as my skill and time lets me, only learning UE for less than month, so at the moment my knowledge base is small enough and i cant realy say how far it will get
I want you to know that you are the first human being willing to tackle a normal, regular beach head-on with some fair degree of accuracy.
Bravo! It frustrates me deeply that less than 1% of all digital environments are on the beach? I don’t count crysis. No rolling waves over gradual shorebanks - look closley. None.
Fck knows why but thanks for breaking the ice! Well done.
Thanks for nice comments
A bit surprising that people so interested and want it to be released. Seems like things are bad enough with this water beach thematics I will release even if its unfinished anyway!
Here im using tesselation instead of casual displace, not sure if its visible on video but it gave me a better result, also there are some changes in roughness, opacity and refraction. Created material intance for quick tweaking.
Here are the settings i have atm, later i will make all the textures changable via mat instance.
no my point was that I am surprised so few have tackled it more in the past. It’s just such an obvious gaping hole in realtime artistry yet there are countless artistic approaches at the disposal for approximating an average regular old beach that looks good and natural.
That video you just posted man looks fantastic. Only thing i would pick on is that the waves seem to retreat somewhat to fast. If your going for realism, waves on a beach are a little slower to pull back.
Yea, ive noticed, especially that effect increacing when i use tesselation, dunno why. Anyway im going to change wave motion a bit, when wave getting closer to the groundline it will break and flatten (thats what im working on atm but not happy with the result yet), i think it will also fix retreating speed automaticly.
Hmm, i think i just fixed wave reverse speed and smoothed the moment when wave stops moving forward and begins to move backwards. A bit late here and im too tired to record video right now. Still need to update opacity, normals and especially foam to match the new wave movement (atm foam just controlled by the depth mask and i dont like the result).
p.s. - and im really need to do something about video quality, it seems ok before i upload it to youtube. Any advice?