[WIP] Mobile game - Not named yet

Thanks for posting the BP stuff . I am most interested in this image and how you set each level icon. Do you do it individually or “automated”? How is the UMG widget set up? In my game, I have a bool array in the save game for LevelUnlocked. I’m trying to figure out how to get the UMG widget to read the value for each level and set the graphic accordingly. I can do it level-by-level…but that will take FOREVER to set up for a 100 level game. It’s just not clicking in my head how to get this to work. Pointers?

It is one object only. A single blueprint that was placed in the menu level. One for each level that I want or have in the game. So its automated and a little manual.

I have a public variable. This is the manual part. You select the button and type which level number it is. The blueprint automates the rest of the stuff. So I only setup one BP. Technically if I had 1000 levels, I would need to still type 1 manually per “Icon”.
But I would rather do this than clone a blueprint a 1000 times.
First please note. This method used an actor because i haven’t invested time in doing it with UMG. All my other assets are UMG. The main level selection screen is not. It is a camera in a level pointing at actors.
Brief Overview of whats going on in the screenshots.

Let’s start at green.
It loads the score of the level and sets which tier you unlocked. Minimum score, medium or high.
To do that I compare the score against an array that contains static values for those levels called Bench Scores.
The second green block sets Level 1 to be always unlocked.
After that I check if the level has been unlocked… then set the lock icon to invisible.
Below you will see its simply 3 static mesh components that are the stars. And the lock is a single static mesh.

OK. So I had to use some hacky way of doing some tasks due to controller not always registering
The red blueprint section.
Custom event that check if you touched the level actor. I gave the actors tags. Naming them Level1, Level2 etc. So I look for the substring of the tag starting at 5 and only 1. So level 1 will return 1, level 2 will return 2 etc.

That information is written to the saved game level number which is then used in other blueprints. It then loads the level which you want to play. I had to reuse one map for 8 levels, why I keep loading Level1.umap if the level you selected is below 9.

OK. So the purple ones are simple. The 1st purple fires the red blueprint section.
Hmmm… don’t think this will help much but hopefully it points you in the right direction. Will see… maybe I can sit and do a quick video over the weekend. But first I need to figure out exactly what I did.
This was one of the 1st things I made using blueprints so potentially I could do it a little simpler n easier.

Ah, I see. Your not using UMG for level selecting. Looks like a smart move! I’ve been trying to get this stupid thing to work, but no luck. I can make UMG generate the buttons for the levels, but the values are wrong for each button created. Maybe I’m putting the logic in the wrong place…I don’t know.
Right now, it’s on the button UMG. It looks at the loaded LevelUnlock and LevelCompleted values (as well as the LevelIndex. It looks like when I add the child to the grid, it doesn’t update the info…I am trying to create the grid in the HUD class. Not even sure if that’s right.

So, I have the logic on the Button UMG now because I’m trying to control the color of the text based on whether the level is complete (green), Unlocked (White) or neither (locked). Likewise, the click action on the button is tied ti the LevelUnlocked value (no clicky if false). I put t all on the Widget because I figured that’s the easiest place to do it. Looks like an error. I guess that should all be set and passed from the HUD class when it creates the child widget.

Also, I say “grid”, but when I create the child widget on the grid, they all stack up (I don’t think you can designate column and row dynamically). So I’m really just using the vertical scroll box. I followed Rama’s tutorial and it kinda works. The buttons number themselves correctly.

Bah, too confused now and probably one too many whiskey shots to do any more tonight.

Croc, I really appreciate your help. Your workflow explanation is really helping me figure this out. I just gotta keep at it till it works!

Cool stuff. Im curious to see how its done with UMG.
Will look at Rama’s tutorial to get those buttons numbered correctly. And take it from there

I just converted the game to 4.5
Everything works…kind of. So, I can dynamically add the button widgets to my vertical scroll list. The text color (which is just the level number) is colored correctly: white for unlocked, Green cor complete, grey for locked.
Issues remain though:
-for whatever reason, I can’t remove the level list menu from the viewport.
-I would much rather use a GRID instead of the vertical scroll list. I haven’t checked if row and column are settable in 4.5 yet.

So, using Rama’s tutorial, I just added inputs to the functions so the info is passed to the button widget. In the button widget is the logic for the coloring and usability of the button (locked levels will not load).

Do you have something inplace for showing how many stars you unlocked?
Like a high score, a mid or low score on the levels?

So the game is officially sitting the review Que at apple and should hopefully be released soon.
Starting work on the next project in 2 days. Just catching up on admin

Not on the level list. It just shows the level number and whether it’s complete, unlocked or locked (just by text color). I don’t have a star system for my game. It’s pretty casual. So, each level DOES have a best time, but that’s reported at the start of each level.
When stuff settles down around here, I’ll try to start a WIP thread.

What’s going on with your project? I really want to download the game. I saw the gameplays and it looks awesome! I want the mobile version. Do you have any news about the mobile version?

Hi @paulo123

The game was released but i pulled it from the app store due to some limitations.
My fiance is angry at me saying i should have kept it on the app store. But i felt its not worth it if its not a better game.

Things that i want before actually re-releasing it…
1: Wait for DLC support from Epic
2: Epic needs to fix ragdolls (Phat) which was broken from the release after 4.4.3

The game looks too static without physics blending on the limbs of the character.
Its really sad but i just don’t have the energy to rebuild to game in 4.4.3 when phat was still working.

So right now its basically lying on my HDD completed waiting for the bug fix team to address the phat problems.

I did post on answerhub and reported the issues.
Capsules rejects physics assets… so ragdolls are completely null n void.
And If your character rotates it resets the state of the limbs. Basically it will be ragdol mode, then if it received a command to rotate it will switch to kinematic and then back to simulated creating a horrible looking spasm twitch.

In the meantime i am creating a new game mode… what you saw gameplay wise will be the control option, and then there will be a puzzle mode as well. Completely different gameplay.

I think the game is very awesome! I dont know what are u talking about… From the videos I can see thats the best mobile game shared in this forum, and I searched for all the forum about released games for mobile… And I dont have an iphone, I have only an droid turbo from motorola… So, is this game only for ios? Or will you put the game on the google play too?

and if you think the game is not cool, you can release an update to this…

How I delete my post? I stopped reading when you said you removed the game from the app store, but than I readed all the text and now I understand you…
but my only question is: are you going to edit the game and put it on the google play or the game is gone?

thank you

I want to release it on android. However to do this i need the DLC support from Epic.
Right now the game content is roughly 22mb. The IOS build is 51mb.

The android build is 89mb. So google play wont allow apk’s to be above 50mb.
Maybe there is currently a way of getting around this… but i would assume from what i have managed to find regarding ue4 on android is that either your game is below 50mb or its not. Why i am hoping to see some DLC support to upload a small version of the game where you then download some content after its installed on your phone.

I spent another week on this game, Redoing all gameplay to suit the original vision better. A puzzle game. Was not too find of the controlling the character aspect.
Now you need to work out your route before hand using markers. You can place timers on them, once the character gets there he waits said time before continuing.

This way u have to plan your route properly. Math involved. You need to determine how long it must take u to get to point a, wait there for cam before passing etc.
Also sacrifices can be made for better time. But it will cost awareness.

Should be done in the next 2 days then will upload some videos