WIP - Mars Staion - Destiny Fan Art

Rock Study

Not finished yet ? What the hell are you doing ??? :smiley:
hehe just joking, keep up !

Your rock looks cool, perhaps a bit much blobby…it needs more straight surfaces imo:
A cool tut about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1wHKxLeK6I

ahhaha @macoll its hard to find time to work on it sadly :frowning:
thanks man I would like to finish it and create some sort of game/experience and release it on the steam store for free.
Thank you so much for the video im definatly going to hit that up when i get home and do round 2 of rock create lol :smiley:

Wow happy new year (late) unreal forums lol…its been a great year…i’m calling it done on this project it was very fun and i learned a ton!
I just wanted to share the final result in video format along with some of the other assets i created in 2016 Enjoy :)…all in unreal of course :wink:
Comments and critques always welcome :slight_smile:

Congrats on finishing your project, a lot of impressive work! You must have put in a lot of hours on this project, that’s for sure.

I don’t have much to say about 3d-meshes or textures, but I have a few lines of feedback about the exterior design, if that is of interest to you. I’m very much an amateur though, so the following is only my opinions/observations.

I know the Destiny concept image was just that, a concept, but compared to that concept image I think that your exterior seem a little cramped and partly over-cluttered. By cramped I mean that the buildings in the background seem to be a bit taller and perhaps closer to the curved one in the centre, thus making the curved entry building appear less dominating in the scene. If this was a game level and the player needed to enter the building through the stairs of that building, if would help the player if the builiding and the stairs were slightly more prominent visually. On the same note, in your scene there’s a lot of details that compete for the attention just to the right of the curved building (cars, containers, lights), and although they of course should be used in the scene when made, they draw some of the focus away from the stairs and entry of the building, particularly those closest to the stairs, and could make they player think “hey, rubble?” instead of “hey, entrance?”.

Thank you so much for the feedback man! I totally agree, in my upcoming environments I will be working towards building on what i have here :slight_smile:
I have some really cool things coming down the pipe, the amazing folks at epic awarded me with a VR Dev grant so I will be working towards creating a game and i will be dropping some shots as soon as i can :smiley:

Hey guys I am really excited to Announce that I will be release this project on steam for free for VR here in a few weeks…some polish is definitely needed if you have any comments or crits please let me know :slight_smile:

Did some tweaks this weekend changing up color scheme, as well as
-Added grass
-Added Rocks
-Implemented Teleportation and Pick up functionality
-resized the hoses
-Improved Frame Rate

Things left to do:
-Create a door
-Texture orb vent
-Fix Collision issue where use teleport under the ground
-add ambient music/sounds

But let me know what you guys think, comments and crits welcome :slight_smile:

Looking great, nice progress! Keep it up

@stellarbe thank you :slight_smile:

So last night i was able to do a few things…namely in substance

and  here it is implemented in unreal

Good Morning Unreal,

Started working on the door for that hallway let me know what yall think :slight_smile:

What up Unreal happy friday,

did some more work on the door its coming, i think i need MOAR wires lol but we are almost there :slight_smile:
then all i need to do is texture this asset,
the white pillars, the black vents and the tanks on the outside and i think she is ready to be shipped

Good morning ppls of unreal,

Got some time to flesh out the tunnel area,

Looking good. =)

Thanks @se_jonf
Hok…so alot of changes this weekend biggest change is real Time GI and bouncing lighting have been implemented and fully functional Via LPVs (Light Propagation Volume) and was able to achieve a stable frame rate for VR
Change list
-Reworked tunnel area, new meshes, lighing set up and partcle FX
-tweaked main bld mesh
-tweaked lighting
-blocked out console which should provide some game play elements
-added more debris to the hole in the main bld

But as always let me know what yall think :slight_smile:

OMG Amazing =D

Please i can download, buy your job ? ^^