[] WindowsTextureMovie

Haven’t heard anything from him recently, so I don’t know what’s up. If anyone wants the zip send me an e-mail at @gmail.com and I’ll reply with it attached. Just extract the zipped folder to your <UnrealEngine>/Engine/Plugins/Runtime directory and rebuild.

I’ll start sending them out after i get home from work.

code has been updated to include the code changes from . I have tested these changes to ensure they work in v4.4 of UE4.

Thanks dude!

hmm, trying to compile with 4.4.2 Getting an Error:

Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files…
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: Not expecting to find a module with no
corresponding .uplugin file. File ‘D:\UE_sorce\UnrealEngine-4.4\Engine\Plugins
Runtime\TextureMoviePlugin-master\Plugins\Plugins.uplugin’ doesn’t exist

GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: UnrealBuildTool was unable to generate project files

Press any key to continue . . .

Any ideas?

Can someone send me a quick step by step for compiling the ? I’m a little lost…

Does anyone know about this tool is ready, this new update, 4.4.2?
Why is not it showing up more in the road map?
and is ready to use it?:mad::mad::(:confused:

The release of v1.0 of the Media Framework will be in 4.5. If you want to take a sneak peek, you can get the latest code from . Currently, only Windows is supported - we are still working on MacOS, iOS and Android support. Hopefully, those will make it in for 4.5 as well, but not sure yet. It’s getting tight :slight_smile:

Yay for Gerke!

Thanks Gerke!


I think some files got added that shouldn’t be there and the structure broken a bit. I’m trying a build with a zip from and writing some steps to get it working.

Okay, here are the steps I went through to get the files working.

  1. Go to <Unreal Engine Source Dir>/Engine/Plugins/Runtime and create a folder called “WindowsMovieTexture” in it.
  2. In the zip with the files, go to TextureMoviePlugin-master/Plugins and copy all the files into your newly created WindowsMovieTexture folder.
  3. Delete the following files from your WindowsMovieTexture folder:


  1. Go back to your root <Unreal Engine Source Directory> and run GenerateProjectFiles.bat.
  2. Build the binaries using the generated .sln.
  3. Go to <Unreal Engine Source Directory>/Engine/Binaries/Win64 and run UnrealVersionSelector.exe and say Yes.
  4. Go to your game’s directory with its .uproject.
  5. Right click on the .uproject and select “switch unreal engine versions”.
  6. Choose the option in the dropdown list that is Source Build at <Unreal Engine Source Directory>.
  7. Build your game binaries using the generated .sln in your .uproject directory.
  8. You should be able to run it now.

If you get engine build errors still, try deleting <Unreal Engine Source Directory>/Engine/Intermediate, running the GenerateProjectFiles.bat again and try building.

OK, I`ve built my version of the engine from the master branch and movie textures are working fine in the Editor, but as soon as I Play in Standalone mode, or actually Package the Project, the plane with my movie remains grey!
Is there something I need to do in order to have it package correctly?

Great work by the way!!

Do you get any errors in your log file? Was there any warnings during packaging? I can try testing at some point, but will have to get a new version of v4.4. Mine is too heavily modified at the moment.

Hi .

Thanks for getting back to me! There are a few errors, but nothing I could directly relate to the issue, except for those:
“LogPluginManager:Error: Failed to read file. Comma token expected, but not found. Line: 22 Ch: 3” - but no info what file this references

I just took a blank First Person BP template and added a Plane with a Movie Texture, nothing more.

Log File is attached, in Case you can make sense of it (and have the time for it).


(I had to pack the file into a ZIP and rename iut to txt to upload it! Sorry for the inconvenience)

Looks like everything cooked fine. If there’s an error that’s causing it, it’ll probably show up in the runtime log file.

For the plane, is it BSP or a static mesh? I had problems getting video textures working on BSP surfaces.

Hm, I’ll check that log then when I get back to work. I am using a simple static mesh! Just a plane I imported.

I is just weird that it works perfectly in the editor - even in Play mode, except if you play it in standalone mode.



OK, here we go again…

I’m attaching the log file in case someone wants to have a look. Again, just a deafault scene with one static mesh plane and a simple .wmv video.

What I am seeing here (and don’t know why it is there) is:

[2014.09.15-09.59.17:482] 0]LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/MediaAssets’
[2014.09.15-09.59.17:482] 0]LoadErrors: Info Failed to load /Game/Phone_tex.Phone_tex Referenced by MaterialExpressionTextureSample_0 Property /Script/Engine.MaterialExpressionTextureBase:Texture
[2014.09.15-09.59.17:482] 0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/MediaAssets’: Can’t find file ‘/Script/MediaAssets’
[2014.09.15-09.59.17:482] 0]LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/MediaAssets’ while loading NULL.
[2014.09.15-09.59.17:482] 0]LoadErrors: Info Failed to load /Game/Phone_tex.Phone_tex Referenced by MaterialExpressionTextureSample_0 Property /Script/Engine.MaterialExpressionTextureBase:Texture
[2014.09.15-09.59.17:482] 0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/MediaAssets’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/MediaAssets’ while loading NULL.
[2014.09.15-09.59.17:561] 0]LogMaterial:Warning: FMaterialUniformExpressionTexture had invalid TextureIndex! (0 / 0)

Thanks for any help!!


SplineO, it works for me in Standalone. I haven’t tried packaging yet.

I’m using the UnrealMotionGraphics test map in the ContentExamples sample project.

This is in the Master branch.

Hm, strange!

This might be a dumb question, but where do I find this map? Is it in the official current Content Examples? (I’m on a super slow internet connection, so it will take me a few hours to download those).

I’ll try it out, though! Thanks!

it’s in the /ContentExamples/Content/Maps/TestMaps/ folder

I am sorry, I am at a total loss here…

I have downloaded the Content examples through the Launcher (only available for 4.4.2) - there is no TestMaps folder. I have also downloaded the master branch zip for today and the 2 required files and recompiled the engine and checked all the folders. Where would I find the ContentExamples download that includes a TestMaps folder?

Thanks for any help!