[Windows] application lifecycle delegates

Hi guys! Is there any relevant application lifecycle delegates that we can use to capture windows entering background and entering foreground?

I tried all these, but none of them works on windows.


Unreal Engine: 5.3
Test Environment: Windows 10, Windows 11.

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Found anything out about this?

What else would one use to detect if focus has been regained when it’s paused?

Looks like OnWindowFocusChanged is doing the trick. Found it via:

I have put UGameplayStatics::SetGamePaused(GetWorld(), true); instead of setting the max fps.

Just make sure to add the following includes:

include <Kismet/GameplayStatics.h>
include “Framework/Application/SlateApplication.h”

and you can put this in any component for example. I put it in a dedicated component that I added to my character blueprint and it seems to work as intended. It pauses when alt tabbing and unpauses when going back :slight_smile: