Windows 7/8 touch/ multi-touch support

Hi , did this feature make its way into 4.9? I don’t see much mentioned for multi-touch in the patch notes. Thanks!

I am also curious as to the state of multi-touch in windows, as I am in need of it.

I’m focusing on 3D multi-touch installations for museums. For now I’m using Unity but I would love to switch to UE4.

So Windows multit-touch is essential for me, too.

any news on this feature? I couldn’t see a mention in the 4.9 release notes, so just checking :slight_smile:

Pinging this thread. Any movement at all? Is there a public-facing interface for for issues like this? I have no way to check on the status of UE-19347

We do not have a public-facing at this time. There is also no change in the status of UE-19347 at this time, and no ETA. I will discuss this with our engineers soon, but that does not ensure a change in priority. We will post back here if there is any update to the status.

Thanks for getting back to us. That’s disappointing to hear. Please let us know if you hear anything about adding support for this.

I really hope this gets implemented soon!

I also would also love to see this implemented.

Having multi-touch enabled on windows would make testing multi-touch functionality ALOT quicker and easier. It’s slooow having to wait for a mobile build and copy for every time change needs to be tested

I am considering implementing this directly but I am wondering if anyone else wants to collaborate on this project

Any news on UE-19347?

Any progress on this?

How is UE-19347 coming? Is any preliminary implementation available? It turns out that touch is available when packaged as HTML5, but that still doesn’t close the loop because the HTML5 package has no media framework support. Just a single touch would be a good start, but it doesn’t seem to detect a tap, but only a drag, as described [here][1]:

Mouse for Touch on Windows 10 doesn't give InputTouchBegin until finger moves - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums

still nothing right?
It is soo frustrating to be able to pan and zoom in editor but not getting those gestures working in scene… :frowning:

Hi @ Hobson any news regarding this topic?

I feel you. Soo frustrating. D:

Any news on UE-19347?

UPDATE: This has been implemented, it will release in version 4.14. I will update Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-19347) once the change has been merged from our development branch to the main branch available on GitHub.

This is now in progress. The target release is 4.14, but it will be available via source on git hub probably within the next month after it has been sufficiently tested. You can also see updates here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-19347)

Cheers! Thanks for the info,

Really happy to hear that!

Great news Frank.