Windows 7/8 touch/ multi-touch support

Hi. Windows multitouch support is the only thing that keeps some of my project to not switch from Unity to UE4. But in UE4 all other things are born to work with, while in Unity for every graphics feature I need to get a third party plugin wich offers bad performance.

So do we have any confirmations for 4.8? I’m also curious how far 4.8 is because I’m having a lot of trouble with this as well and I’m wondering if I should try to implement something best I can or wait till release?

Thanks again guys this feature will be a big deal for many !

Hi there, same for me.
I need to choose an Engine for a serious game project starting in June. I would like to use Unreal because my tests have proven this could be the right engine: it just rocks :). You’ve done an amazing job!

But I need the game to work on windows 8 touch screens with multi-touch enabled ( > 5 points) .
So can I count on this in 4.8 or do I have to look elsewhere?

Thanks again for your hard work on this guys!

Another vote here for Windows 7/8 multitouch support in 4.8.
In museums there is a huge market for high quality 3D interactives, and with the new elimination of the entry-barrier, I expect many will recognize the potential in Unreal to generate compelling 3D interactive content for their large multitouch screens.

is this still in the cards for 4.8? Like everyone here I’m very thankful for the updates!

Hi! I just saw the 4.8 preview 1 this morning. Great! So do we have multitouch support?

Any news? I am about to reformat my PC and this will decide between going with Win7 or Win8

Any answer would be very helpful guys, even if it’s “not yet”. Or “not for the foreseeable future”

But the radio silence is really frustrating :frowning:

+1 :):):):slight_smile:

This silence is indeed frustrating :frowning: Multitouch for windows 8 guys !! Frustating to use Unity because of this.

This silence is indeed frustrating :frowning: Multitouch for windows 8 guys !! Frustating to use Unity because of this.

Any news on this front?

Hi all,

Touch events on a multi-touch screen are still not supported for Windows 7/8. As it stands this appears to have been pushed back to 4.9, but I can’t guarantee that it will occur then, either. I will update the issue regarding it with this thread so that developers know that it is something being requested by the community.


Thanks for the feedback! Hope to see this coming before 2016 :slight_smile: There are many serious game / installations that need to run on multitouch screens. So I think it will be very interesting for the community. Keep up the good work!

So any luck with Windows (7/8/10) multi-touch support yet? I cannot get anything other than Touch 1 to fire. (UE4 4.8.1)

I really need this, like yesterday.

I would also like to know when they implement this

I created a touch screen demo in Unity using an asset ($25) called InputTouches. Worked great. Now I’d like to port the demo to Unreal Engine for the wow factor but disappointed to see no multi touch support yet. So if you are influenced by the quantity of requests for this, count me in!

There is not even a projected date for 4.9 at this point, and I have a suspicion it might not be in 4.9, either. So the answer from two weeks ago is exactly the same, unfortunately, and likely to remain that way for the foreseeable future. Sorry. :frowning:

multi touch support for Win 8 and/or Win 10 PLEASE.


We currently have a in place for Multi-Touch Support for Windows you can reference this request as: UE-19347. This report is currently unresolved and backlogged at this time. If you’d like to check on this report later, feel free to reply back.

Thank you and have a nice day!

any news ?