Will My Laptop Run Unreal Engine 4/5?

recently, I tried installing Unreal Engine 5 on my laptop, but to my surprise, a message popped up when i tried launching it " A D3D11 compatible GPU (feature level 11.0 shader model 5.0) is required to run the engine. " it did this to UE4 too.
Is there a way I can launch it with these system specs
Operating System : Windows 11 Home x64 Bit [ASUS]
Core : Intel Core i3
Ram : 4 GB Ram
Graphics : Intel HD Graphics 3000
DirectX : DirectX 12 (Feature Level 10]
VRam : 32 MB ( I will add VRam later on, but this is what i have now. )

so is there a way to run UE4 , or UE5 with these system specs?

[note: I have another PC that has all system specs, but it doesnt have NVIDIA graphics, it has Intel HD Graphics 5500, and it doesnt have much space like 55GB for UE5 or 30GB for UE4 , it has 20 and less.)

Thank you.

The best thing is to try earlier versions of 4.

Maybe 4.19?

I installed 4.20.3
Do you think it will work?

Try it… :smiley:

I use Intel core i3 2365M
it’s weak, do you think it’s still possible

I think it won’t happen. But there’s no harm in trying…

So I can’t run unreal engine?

Have you tried?

Not yet, it suddenly stopped and won’t finish downloading, it wants me to download it again

It stopped at 96%

Downloading? Sometimes you have to wait a while. Maybe you’ve run out of disk space?

No way, I had 133 GB left after downloading unreal engine 4, I checked the files Incase the .exe is there

So you are getting the 96% when you run it? If so, then you need to wait for the engine to compile shaders. That could take a while.

No, when I was still installing for the launcher it was verifying

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OK, so it finished downloading yesterday, but I wasn’t able to run it because it needed ‘Feature Level 5’ Shaders…
I think I cant run it :confused:

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I think you’re right :-/

What version of windows, and what GPU?

Windows 11
Intel HD Graphics 3000/4000
Version 9.17

I don’t think that GPU even has it’s own RAM. Have you tried 4.1?

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Nope, u think it will work?

That’s your only chance, I would say…

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