I’m in a conflicting situation, where Unreal Engine 4 has become available and I see it as a huge upgrade relative to Unity which I despise however need to use because it has been my only available option for 3d/multiplayer game development with the addition of Playmaker and Photon Networking packages.
In Unity I currently use Playmaker and Photon Networking together which has allowed me to make a months progress on a multiplayer game, and I’ve spent more months working on other various projects within it, as I’m able to understand visual scripting but am unable to remember the vast amount required for fully fledged programming via C++, etc.
I’ve read that multiplayer documentation is currently being developed on, and for now there is at least an option to share variables inside blueprint but not anything beyond that (not including C++ programming-I realize multiplayer is already available in some of the demos and there is early documentation on it)…
I was hoping that I’d be able to ask here for a possible expansion on those comments, because moving to Unreal Engine 4 will not only potentially allow my current project, but also with its greater structure it would be an engine I could use for larger future project designs I have where Unity would fall too far behind, though without knowing where UE4 is going with its multiplayer and how soon, I’m unable to know if I will be able to accomplish my current project.
So could I please ask:
– Will UE4 ever allow fully developed multiplayer environments to be created with just blueprint
– If so would it be within the next 3-6 months?
I’d greatly appreciate a thorough response to this as I’ve already started playing about with UE4 and falling in love with it as I watch tutorial videos and play about with the available blueprint games in the marketplace, and if the option to move to UE4 for my current project is a reality I would be incredibly happy.
Thank you very much for your response, that all sounds like really awesome news :D! Regretfully though I can’t seem to login to UDN even though I’ve registered/paid for a license for UE4, does the UDN require a UE3 license?
And I’ve already searched through the documentation via https://docs.unrealengine.com/ but haven’t found anything regarding multiplayer networking with blueprint.
While searching for answers to other questions, I found: “Licensees with custom, non-subscription license terms may also visit the Unreal Developer Network (UDN) to provide feedback and seek support.”.
I imagine that’s why I’m unable to access the UDN, Based on your statement, the technology to make functional multiplayer networking with just blueprints already exists in UE4, but I’m awaiting a public release of this information?
If so that would be amazing because after seeing more tutorial videos the interface/workflow in UE4 is too awesome and I’d really wish to be able to use it.
“Will UE4 ever allow fully developed multiplayer environments to be created with just blueprint”
As Rama said, definitely yes.
You can very much do this now, and we have examples working internally. Blueprints and networking are very important to us as well, and we have plans to continue to make sure blueprints have as much access as possible to all the networking features in the engine.
I can’t make timeline promises here, but expect to see more blueprint replication examples and documentation soon!
Thank you so very much for expanding on and giving additional confirmation regarding the multiplayer blueprint functionality!
I can’t possibly express how much the limited experience with the engine as a whole including the support on here, video tutorials that have already been created, etc, has filled me with joy relative to my experiences so far with other engines. I really don’t want to have to return just because of Blueprint limitations within multiplayer, especially after reading about running multi-client scene testing for debugging too.
I look forward to when they’re available :).
Sorry to bring up an old post, but it saves me making a new one, me and a friend are wanting to make a multiplayer game but we can currently only work blueprints, as you mentioned blueprint networking will work in the future, would it be safe for me to start designing maps and blueprints that i can later use for networked games?
I can only say that multiplayer-realted functionality is being more available without C++ with the time (however by far not completely by now); since 4.1, for example, you can choose if you want (and in which configuration) or not splitscreen, something that had to be figured out in C++ in 4.0. Also, a relevant PlayerStart bug that could affect multiplayer has been fixed.
In addition to the above response, they’ve also posted a set of official tutorial videos going through the process of adding basic multiplayer to a project here - Introduction to Blueprint Networking - YouTube