From recently announced ARKit by Apple. With capabilities and power of AR, will AR will destroy the VR industry ?
Nope. If they were similar things then there might be a chance of that happening but they’re completely different. AR adds stuff into the real world and VR replaces the real world with a virtual one. In the future, when AR isn’t a pile of pants due to awful FOV, we’ll see headsets offering both VR and AR experiences.
Don’t think so simply because the overlap is huge and more importantly the shared problem space is also huge so that each would ride on the coat tails of each other.
I would also be thinking many investors are asking for both VR and AR value propositions - having both reduced risk.
Agree with thesnowdog, I would be surprised if the next version of Oculus and Vive didn’t contain cameras so you can do both.
I would say yes. AR as a technology will eventually make VR redundant as AR is the more general problem. VR is a special case of AR, so to speak. That is because VR is just AR with the opacity set to 1 foe everything. However, realistically, this will not happen for a very long time and VR will always have the edge in certain areas. For now you can assume the answer is no and you will not be at an disadvantage, but at some point the technology of AR will make VR obsolete. Be it 10 years in the future, 1000 years in the future or millions of years. The theoretical capabilities of AR covers what VR can do while giving untold other great advantages.
This is exactly right, (good) AR is essentially just VR with additional functionality… and we are nowhere near that yet. If you think about it though, there are things that “VR” can do that “AR” will never be able to do. I put them in quotes because there is really little distinction and they will eventually be one device. For example though, say you want to experience climbing a mountain, or fly through space… how will AR do that? It would need to block everything from the real world, at which point it is VR.
Not for me, I play games to get away from reality. I don’t long for constant info overlays and endless remakes of Pokeymon Go.
I think the NEXT versions might be a bit too soon. We won’t have a decent FOV for AR devices for quite some time. I reckon we’ll see the CV2s releasing in 2019/2020 with improved FOV and improved resolution for VR but we won’t see a headset for the Rift or Vive giving VR AND AR until the CV3s are released around 2022/2023.
Based on what was Oculus talking about at Connect 3 and F8 … their standalone HMD already can see and understand the environment, enabling basic AR apps. And i believe CV2 will have this functionality as well. And AR and VR are two different things and you’ll be likely to want both. For me VR is about exploring what cannot be done in real life and to create settings and experiences otherwise impossible. This is not possible with AR.