I love your tutorials. If its something you think others might benefit from too, I would love to see one on spawning physics constraints at runtime.
I will do a tutorial when I have enough time, but the core code to spawn constraint at runtime looks like !
//set up the constraint instance with all the desired values
FConstraintInstance ConstraintInstance;
//set values here
ConstraintComp = NewObject<UPhysicsConstraintComponent>(RootSMA);
if(!ConstraintComp) return;
//Update Vibes!
ConstraintComp->ConstraintInstance = ConstraintInstance;
//Set World Location
//Attach to Root!
ConstraintComp->AttachTo(RootSMA->GetRootComponent(), NAME_None, EAttachLocation::KeepWorldPosition);
//~~~ Init Constraint ~~~
ConstraintComp->SetConstrainedComponents(RootSMA->StaticMeshComponent, NAME_None, TargetSMA->StaticMeshComponent,NAME_None);
EDIT never mind it didn’t take that long
I am even sharing my physics constraint library functions with you!
**New Wiki Tutorial
[COLOR="#000000"]Creating Dynamic Physics Constraints During Runtime
My Physics Library Functions Included!**[/COLOR]
I will do a tutorial when I have enough time, but the core code to spawn constraint at runtime looks like !
//set up the constraint instance with all the desired values
FConstraintInstance ConstraintInstance;
//set values here
ConstraintComp = NewObject<UPhysicsConstraintComponent>(RootSMA);
if(!ConstraintComp) return;
//Update Vibes!
ConstraintComp->ConstraintInstance = ConstraintInstance;
//Set World Location
//Attach to Root!
ConstraintComp->AttachTo(RootSMA->GetRootComponent(), NAME_None, EAttachLocation::KeepWorldPosition);
//~~~ Init Constraint ~~~
ConstraintComp->SetConstrainedComponents(RootSMA->StaticMeshComponent, NAME_None, TargetSMA->StaticMeshComponent,NAME_None);
EDIT never mind it didn’t take that long
I am even sharing my physics constraint library functions with you!
**New Wiki Tutorial
[COLOR="#000000"]Creating Dynamic Physics Constraints During Runtime
My Physics Library Functions Included!**[/COLOR]
Pffft... show off. Haha, i'm kidding. Great work and thanks for the new tutorial!
**New Tutorial!
** Wiki Tutorial on Global Data Storage https://wiki.unrealengine./Global_Data_Access,_Data_Storage_Class_Accessible_From_Any_CPP_or_BP_Class_During_Runtime!
Heheh you are such an extraordinary good person!
you have helped me out soo much and I bet lots of other people too,
it comes a bit late, but just wanted to finally thank you for all the amasing stuff you have put out there
Heheh you are such an extraordinary good person!
you have helped me out soo much and I bet lots of other people too,
it comes a bit late, but just wanted to finally thank you for all the amasing stuff you have put out there
I want to take opportunity to thank you as well.
Your tutorials help me out a lot of times, I don’t know what I would do without them
So… thank you so much for your efforts, dude!
I want to take opportunity to thank you as well.
Your tutorials help me out a lot of times, I don’t know what I would do without them
So… thank you so much for your efforts, dude!