Wiki Code Tutorials


Dear Community,

I have been hard at work making UE4 C++ Code tutorials!

I have added many pages of entirely code-focused tutorials, including both .h and .cpp,

to the UE4 Wiki Code Page!


**UE4 C++**

The entire focus of these tutorials is UE4 C++, not just regular C++.

Using my code samples will help you get a feel of how UE4 C++ works and help you get integrated with the UE4 API.

**Code Example

Custom Save System To Compressed Binary File**

Here’s a sample of the kind of code I am posting on the Wiki Code page:

is a code sample for how to Save any game data you want from UE4 C++ to a compressed binary filename of your choosing.

bool ControllerClass::SaveGameDataToFileCompressed(const FString& FullFilePath, 
	int32& SaveDataInt32,
	FVector& SaveDataVector,
	TArray<FRotator>& SaveDataRotatorArray
	FBufferArchive ToBinary;
	**//Pre Compressed Size**
	ClientMessage("~ PreCompressed Size ~");
	**// Compress File 
	//tmp compressed data array**
	TArray<uint8> CompressedData;
	FArchiveSaveCompressedProxy Compressor = 
		FArchiveSaveCompressedProxy(CompressedData, ECompressionFlags::COMPRESS_ZLIB);
	**//Send entire binary array/archive to compressor**
	Compressor << ToBinary;
	**//send archive serialized data to binary array**
	**//Compressed Size**
	ClientMessage("~ Compressed Size ~");
	if (!GFileManager) return false;
	**//vibes to file, return successful or not**
	if (FFileHelper::SaveArrayToFile(CompressedData, * FullFilePath)) 
		**// Free Binary Arrays **
		**// Close Buffer **
		ClientMessage("File Save Success!");
		return true;
		**// Free Binary Arrays **
		**// Close Buffer **
		ClientMessage("File Could Not Be Saved!");
		return false;



Thanks. Putting up is awesome.

Thanks. Putting up is awesome.

Hee hee, thanks !

“Somebody get guy a medal” … Awesome…thanks for sharing…
I just learned Unrealscript from going through Dungeon Defense (etc.) and without those to reference I’m going to be lost for a bit in C++…thanks so much for a great place to start…

you are a **** hero! is already helping me get settled in :smiley:

Thank you so much for !

Awesome! Thank you!


Yay, I am glad you are enjoying my efforts!


I’m liking your name, I hope I spelled it right


! <3 Thanks so much.

Thanks a lot!!

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]New Tutorial: Dynamic Arrays

Dynamic Arrays

! <3 Thanks so much.

Hee hee your welcome SaxonRah!

UE4 C++ is so much fun!


Great job and thank it will be handful ^^

thanks, that really will help me to get things started!, the fps tutorial is just awesome.

thanks, that really will help me to get things started!, the fps tutorial is just awesome.

Heey, welcome Daimaku, I’ve been missing you from the UE3 forums :slight_smile:

Heh, yes, likes is our resident exhibitionist.
I’m just a bit of a flasher :slight_smile:

Great work, now I have a lot of stuff to read on! Thank you! :smiley:

Great work, now I have a lot of stuff to read on! Thank you! :smiley:

Hee hee, you’re welcome!


Thanks It covers most of my UE4 questions :slight_smile:

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Tutorial Added, USTRUCTS(), UE4 C++ Structs

UE4 C++ Structs


Thanks It covers most of my UE4 questions :slight_smile:


Wow, is a fantastic start. I am amazed you’ve done all so quickly :smiley:

Hopefully will break the ice for more people to contribute, although you seem to be a one man coding tutorial army at the moment hah.