However it appears completely transparent. Previously it appeared completely opaque till I clicked on something but I dont remember what that was haha
What I did:
I dragged and drop this into the content browser, created a widget blueprint and put this into an Image component/palatte. Then i place the widget into an actor and place the actor in the world.
Still unresolved.
So i changed the Materials within the Actor BP and it does make it translucent. I exported another widget design, this time with ONLY 1% transparency but the results don’t seem any different, certainly not 1% transparent.
You say widget; however, I see what looks like a actor in the game.
If it is an actor in the game, couldn’t you just create a mesh and then assign it a material that is transparent and then vary the material’s opacity to get the desired transparency. Use the actor BP to combine this mesh and material to add the text features to the actor as you show it.
He is using a 3D widget, which is a regular widget, that gets drawn into the world like a regular mesh/object. Si it might appear as a regular plane, but its still a widget
Edit: I took your first image and used its form to create a transparent channel for it in Krita (painting program). And in UE, after switching to Widget3DPassThrough_Translucent, it worked as expected with that created transparency. Are you sure, that Figma actually exports your PNG with a working transparent channel, that has the correct transparency/opacity set?
Ok, i have used your textures with those widgets, and they work flawless. Maybe just start from scratch with a brandnew widget, then a new actor that contains those widgets.
I haven´t altered anything other than switching out the images/textures in the widgets in my test.
In my case PostProcessVolume affected the translucency of widget. In postprocess change translucency type to Raster. But it affect visual of your scene. In new clear project translucency widget work well with Raster and Ray Trace method. I dont know what is wrong.