Widget replication for a door button

I have a door that uses a widget popup to tell the player to press a button to open it. Works just fine in stand alone game, but when I try it on network simulation, can’t get passed it. Tried every combination of replicating that I can think of doing, but still cannot move through the door, despite it appearing to be open. What else is there to try?

It seems that as when you are testing you are working as the server so you are able to pass through your door, but if emulating the network, the event is only occurring only on the server so you may not be able to pass through it as a client.

It’s hard to tell without more information or some screenshots… However, with what you are saying, it seems that the clients aren’t aware that the door is actually open so possibly take another look in that direction…

It gets stuck at the add widget to viewport which gives an error saying “Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property HUD”. Blueprint: FirstPersonCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph First Person Character Graph: EventGraph Node: Add to Viewport”

Where are you creating the widget?

I figured it out.

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