Widget optimization


i’m pretty new to Unreal, and i’m making a VR project where i have a supermarket shelf, and i have to put on it 24 labels with the info of the product on the shelf.
The label are initialized on Begin Play, and remains the same for the rest of the time.
The problem is that these label are killing the performance of the scene, because when i look in there direction there is a 20-30 fps drop.
I already looked for some optimizations solution, but for some misterious reason the performance remain the same.
Here are some of them:

  • Insert the widget in a Invalidation Box
  • Insert the widget in a Retainer Box
  • Enable Global Invalidation
  • Compute and enable Static Visibility

What have actually worked is change Rendering->Blend Mode from Masked to Transparent, but still not sufficent.
Here i put some screenshot of the draw call, the first with Blend Mode to Masked and the second to Transparent.



Thanks in advance!