Widget Issues on a multiplayer game

I am working on a racing game in unreal engine. At the end of the race I am trying to print off the placements to the clients and server. The list is pulled from an array of structs. The process works on the clients but on the server it only displays the host’s result. The results are pulled from a replicated variable so I am unsure why the process would not work correctly on the server. It makes the widget by looping through my placement list.

Who owns the results information? Did you tie the client to owning the results variable, is the level the one that holds the results variable?

Do you mind posting some blueprint screen shots of the process?

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Game mode should be storing the final results. Per player stats can be stored in their individual playerstate. Setting the variables to replicate will get them in the GameState Player Array, so everyone has access.

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I figured it out, I was trying to use a controller variable to assign ownership, I changed it to use the owning player when creating child widgets and it fixed it to where the children were added to the main widget (a placement box). Thank you for getting back to me though.

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Absolutely~! Sometimes it just takes a second voice asking the same question you were already thinking of!

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