Hi all,
I am looking to create a plugin with standalone window. In this window I want to have the functionality to specify the number of types of models I want to spawn (say x = any number from 2 to 10). Based on the count, I want to display that many asset selectors. Basically the ability to pick a static mesh for each type of model from the asset folder. Which slate widget should I be using to make this happen with least effort? Also it would be great if you could specify an example.
More Details: (Might be of use)
I have ‘x’ number of turret types that need to be placed in the world based on certain game design conditions (more like creating a city generator, except just for turrets). For prototyping, I can just create those turrets using BSP brushes. But when things progress, I want each turret type to have its own mesh. So basically I want the ability to let the artist choose the model for each type from the asset browser.
Sort of a Sims- style person generator ?
Hmmm. well it is not during run-time if that is what is being asked. More like I have ‘x’ number of turret types that need to be placed in the world based on certain game design conditions (more like creating a city generator, except just for turrets). For prototyping, I can just create those turrets using BSP brushes. But when things progress, I want each turret type to have its own mesh. So basically I want the ability to let the artist choose the model for each type from the asset browser.
I am using Slate. Because I am designing a plugin.
So it’s a dialogue button for the designer that shows them a picture of the asset they’d like to spawn with an int for the amount?
Whatever you do, it usually involves creating a custom SCompoundWidget, made up of a multitude of SBorder, SImage, SSplitter,SOverlay, etc. Use the Widget Reflector in Windows>“Developer Tools” to see how the editor organises static/skeletal mesh previews.