Hey there, I’m having some trouble spawning a UMG widget through C++, even though I’m sure I set everything up correctly. I have a UObject-derived class UUserInterfaceManager, which has the ShowModal function:
UModal* UUserInterfaceManager::ShowModal(FText ModalTitle, FText ModalMessage, TArray<FString> ButtonLabels, TSubclassOf<UModal> Widget, UObject* WorldContextObject)
UClass* Class = Widget->StaticClass();
UModal* WidgetClass = (UModal*)Class;
UModal* Modal = CreateWidget<UModal>(WorldContextObject->GetWorld(), WidgetClass->StaticClass());
return Modal;
The UModal class is just a UUserWidget-derived class with some additional parameters, and I have a UMG Widget created which has that as the base class, just containing a simple white Border to test with. This is the node in blueprint:
Now when I execute this, there isn’t any widget visible, I debugged it, the widget is being created, I had errors in the past where it didn’t want to spawn the widget, but it this case it did. I also had a look at the widget reflector, and found out that this is representing the widget which is creating using my function (there are more of those entries if I call the function multiple times so I can assume that’s the right one):
So that looks like there’s no content in those widgets - just empty containers. Also, I hooked a simple Print String inside the UMG widget’s Construct blueprint graph, but I don’t see that too, so somehow that widget isn’t created properly
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Have a nice day,