Widget bound with BoundWidget returning nullptr?

I am having some trouble with creating a button.

For context, I am creating a paginated table and have started creating the pagination buttons. My parent button, UTUiUwButton, has the following properties.

	UPROPERTY(Meta = (BindWidgetOptional)) // BindWidgetOptional means it does not need a UMG binding.
		UTUiLabel* MainLabel;
	UPROPERTY(Meta = (BindWidgetOptional))
		UImage* MainIcon;

	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Meta = (BindWidget)) // BindWidget means it needs a UMG binding.
		UTUiButton* MainButton;
	UPROPERTY(Meta = (BindWidget))
		UCircularThrobber* LoadingThrobber;

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Meta = (ExposeOnSpawn = true))
		FText LabelText;

I am able to bind these in Blueprints with no issues, and the values for MainButton appear when setting break points. My child button, TUiUwPaginationButton, has access to its parents members no issues what so ever. However, when creating a PaginationButton, MainButton, though properly bound, is NULL.

Does anyone have any knowledge on why my child cannot access its bound widgets?