Why use Break Rotation for movement instead of using Get Control Rotaion Yaw?

I notice more lag using break rotation. It isnt bad enough to make controling the character fell bad but it is slightly worse. I can notise it in standalone game and veiwport player. i’ve tested it on 2 keyboards. The character form third person template uses break rotation and allot of tutorials use it too. Is there a reason why they use break rotator?

I notice more lag using break

Elaborate on that? Lag as in multiplayer client packet loss lag or frame time performance client side fps inconsistency?

Anyway, breaking a vector will not affect any of this.

Is there a reason why they use break

Yes, we’re working with forward and right vectors which are build off a (control) rotator. If you do not mask out the undesired components, the resulting vectors will not be correct. As in, the more towards the floor you look, the ‘shorter’ forward becomes and the slower you walk…

Here’s what happens if you work with incorrectly derived vectors:

Image from Gyazo

The angle of the camera affects the walk speed; here I’m just running forward continuously.

Admittedly, you could skip a couple of nodes:

But this will not affect lag / frame time in any way whatsoever.

If you’re experiencing input delays, it probably has something to do with the way the movement component interprets input. You can make it more snappy by playing with those:

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