Why UE4 isn't using Enlighten?

Most likely you just don’t have enough experience to know how to control the graphical settings better. Unity doesn’t have much features by default which means it starts at a barebones level, UE4 has many things enabled by default.

yes yes yes unity unity unity.
just stop if you dont whant to help but want to critique unity please try other thread.

You first please stop comparing both engine. Both engines are good in their own way.
How you tried any profiling tools in Unreal engine?
How you tried to see what stuff is taking performance hit and tried to optimize it?
Post about the specific problem and community will sure help you.


yes and the slate ui take 10 - 20 ms is the thing that take most time.
i dont use ui in the game


If you don’t like ue4 just don’t use it.
I love ue4 but I have nothing against other engines.

Last night and this morning I went back to Unity but indeed the moment I hit “Bake” it just… didn’t feel right.

Hey dude, Unity 4 and 5 definitely have very optimised speed for mobile and PC, that has been a strength of Unity for a long time, being able to cross-compile easily and run fast on a whole range of hardware and still look reasonably good. I made a music visualiser using Unity 4 for PC and the lighting guy at the venue was very surprised how smooth it was on his netbook or lower-end laptop.

For my plans 2015-2020 though I think I will have to drop Unity for now and continue with UE4 and Daz3D (my idea is comic book and game, see my signature if you are curious).

In any case, you mention your main concern at this stage is making UE4 run fast on suitable hardware. I think if you focus on that, you can start to adjust settings accordingly. Certain scenes from Marketplace on my mobile GTX660M actually run alright once I adjust certain settings like turn of DOF. Reducing the post process effects, using Metal on iOS, tuning engine scalability settings, using more static lights, if one truly enjoys using UE4 I think there’s a way to get the framerates up.

In fact, this is an active area of focus for UE4 with regards to VR. For example, if you look at the ShowdownVR and OculusStory example assets released, one can start to see the tuning to have things looks good and still run fast and smooth.

Finally, I have to say, no need to call people dumb and so on, relax, this is not like say Apple vs Android forums, let’s keep it calm.

This is slowly turning into an engine-bashing thread for both sides and might end up locked soon…

If you’re using a HD3000 GPU, and you’re expecting a fully Dynamic GI solution in 2015 alongside all of Unreals’ other rendering features, then you are wasting your time. UE4’s renderer is already very well optimized, and you’d be naive to say otherwise. That’s not to say improvements can’t be made, but there is a limit.

The bottom line for this thread is, you can buy Enlighten and integrate it if you want. It’s not free, because Geometrics don’t want to give away their source code (understandably) to anyone and everyone. Also I’m not sure who said it, but there is currently NO way to get hold of Unity source code, nor Enlightens. The Pro license still hides all of that away from you. I expect that’ll change in the future though.

I wonder how SVOGI would run today on a Titan, or two in SLI …

it would be great if there would be a build for it, be it not official, people will build some massive rigs for VR anyway…

just as a step back in time, or in the future… see this video again with the unreal demo with SVOGI : Unreal Engine 4 - GT.TV Exclusive Development Walkthrough - YouTube

they were ahead of the time, and i guess the next gen consoles had to come out… but with VR and realtime GI happening at some point, i suppose this will be a short console cycle, definitely not 10 year again…

so i guess this realtime GI thing will be for UE 5 and the next, next gen…

Actually with Nvidia Pascal and UE4 realtime GI will be a reality for mid-range PCs and high-end PCs with VR within the next few years.

With tweaks/optimisations, soon for Nvidia 980Ti and TitanX (both using the GM200 chip) 1080p playable framerates would be established.

Nvidia Pascal is the key. If they pull off what they claim they can/will do. 2016.

And with that kind of GPU power the “race for realtime GI” will be back in force, more so than now.

PS. Yes SVOGI or any kind of realtime GI was mind-blowing back then. Still is to me. It honestly as though humankind has discovered (and can now begin to replicate) the beautiful intelligent design of God in terms of the photon. Think about the Earth. During the day almost all the light is literally from one emissive source (the Sun) but due to how “multibounce realtime GI” works in the real world we have everything we see and all the colours, shadows, subtleties we enjoy. “Let there be light”, indeed.

Jenny already said it above, VXGI is a faster version of SVOGI - so technically, you already have SVOGI access, but better.

…it’s not part of the engine though.

But you have the access. Leg work is minimal.

SVOGI was running well on a GTX 680, the issue was that it wasn’t running well on anything much less than that

All you have to do is download it, it’s even integrated for you.

We have five solutions, you forgot one: AHR by.
It’s getting better and better, the performance is quite good and the upcoming features are most promising. Ryan even plans to make AHR able to precompute lighting like Lightmass, but without the need of Lightmaps and a hell of alot faster than Lightmass.

Oh yeah good point, forgot about that. Good to see that’s still going somewhere!

Ryan works hard on AHR and I think he should get as much recognition as possible, especially since he wants to integrate it into the Engine and make a pull request to Epic, so everyone can have AHR out of the box.

That would be absolutely .

5 GI solutions ? Thats actually not really the truth :p… we do not have 5 solutions, we even don’t have one really good working solution. all the listed Gi “solutions” are realy nice, maybe they can be developed further but you can’t even use one of them to ship a real game… And this is what actually counts.

Current genearation consoles and pc hardware can handle easily a real time GI system, like discussed befoe in other threads it is just a matter of technology and how much a
company can invest money and man power to develope a nice GI system. Almost all engines have a good “non baked” GI system, take a look at all the PS4 and xbox one open wolrd games, i even don’t start listing the PC games which use different kinds of GI “non baked” solutions.

like i wrote 1000 before :wink: hopefully epic will release something we ca really work with… :rolleyes: