Why there is Difference between editor Postprocess look and in play-mode?

I am trying to create an underwater scene. I have a post-processing volume in the scene which has few settings tweaked on it. This is what I see in the editor.

but when I enter the play mode this is what happens.

I want to keep more or less the same look as the editor. I came from unity background and I did most of the what I could. Is there something I am missing? kindly help.

Check the “unbound” property in your postProcess volume or be sure to be inside of that volume so it has any effect. Normally the screens should look the same! What happens if you eject from play with F8 and move around in editor?

btw, the scene looks nice :wink:

Thank you.
The post is unbound (Global). The priority of the Volume is set to 100 (even I set it way high) but didn’t affect anything. Nothing happens if I let go of pawn control, it remains the same.

Hm, how is your Eye-Adoption(Auto Exposure) settings? EV100 min+max should be the same to disable it (or in project settings)

I have tried both of these, with disabled and with enabled. but the problem is that what I see in the editor I don’t see that in PlayMode. :frowning:

Any difference if you have postProcess volume disabled? meaning is it 100% the post process volume responsible for your difference? Maybe viewport quality/performance settings could make a difference. also try toggleing “Realtime” in viewport (Dropdown or CTRL+R)

You can disable Auto Exposure in Project Settings or in Post Process Volume.

No, when I disable the post process, the whole image starts to brighten up extensively in play mode. The blend is 100% and weight is 100% all cameras have no post-processing feature enabled. Anyways … the problem seemed to be with higher emission values beyond 10. But the Bloom effect is not action sanely. I had to increase bloom to like 200 to get the glow similar to the editor. Now editor looked like the high contrast of black and bloom values but in play mode, it is looking kind of fine but the tweak control has gone out of hand.

For anyone searching like me: the workaround can be to toggle “Game View” by pressing G button. From there I was able to get same view in the editor and play mode