Good morning all,
I’m currently following the book ‘3D Game Desing with Unreal Engine 4 and Blender’, you can check this book on the following URL from Packt Publishing:
I’m currently doing the project on Fedora 22 64 bits, with Kernel 4.4.14-200.
Unreal Engine version is 4.12.5, successfully compiled with no errors on this OS.
What at first surprised my is when I arrived at a chapter where I had to put several lights:
- Ship Bridge like zone => Green light
- Corridor => Red light
- Ship cargo zone => Orange light
The problem is that comparing with the details in the book I had to put a really high intensity to have a decent light (in case of Orange light at 7000, when the book indicated an intensity of 800) to have the results indicated.
Anyway, I continued with the project, but due to an issue with the Matinee tool, I copied the project to Windows 7 to check there, and I found that the lights were a lot higher there with the same settings.
I just uploaded a zip file containing the following screenshots:
- Fedora 22 screenshots
- UE4-12-5_Fedora22-64b_GreenLight.png
- UE4-12-5_Fedora22-64b_OrangeLight.png
- UE4-12-5_Fedora22-64b_RedLight.png
- Windows 7 screenshots
- UE4-12-5_Win7-64b_GreenLight.png
- UE4-12-5_Win7-64b_OrangeLight.png
- UE4-12-5_Win7-64b_RedLight.png
As you can see there’s a really high difference.
Could you please explain the reason?
This could be a problem doing the projects to achieve some settings in Fedora and then on Windows and other OS having different results.
Also as from GNU/Linux systems cannot package projects for Windows or MacOSX, I have to copy from one system to another (maybe I’ll try the Cross Compiling for GNU/Linux from Windows).
Thanks a lot in advance for your support.
Best regards,link text
Oriol Rossich