why the output video of the render sequence is all green?

I have a problem with the rendering sequence, becouse when i render it, the output video is all green.But the first time that i have render the scene, the output video was correct, later when i have modify the scene and i click on render icon in the sequencer the output video is all green.

Please answer becouse i need it for maturity. :slight_smile:


Hi, I started doing some video capture a few minutes ago - getting green screen - same issue as you describe.
It seems to be related to compression. Try to uncheck the “Use Compression” checkbox in render movie settings.
Trying to enter other codecs (unfortunately, it is not a dropdown box with available codecs) did not help.
Uncompressed rendering blows up the file size extremely, so it might be ok for very short videos.
I now render to a sequence of jpg files as workaround and convert these to mp4 using ffmpeg.