Why the Dynamic material is always returning NULL in switch case?

Without wasting your time, I am explaining quickly the problem.
1: I have the texture in the data table.
2: I want to grab that texture and set it to the Param2D in the material with the parameter texture name is MaskShirt2D
3: Next I will post the code currently I am trying to achieve this.


Data Table

Dynamic Material: Material_BodyRef is not null here.

Getting Datas from Data table by ID


Switch: Material_BodyRef is returning null here.

Note: Doing this without changing the texture parameters works fine. The problem is the Material_BodyRef is null only in this switch case statement,

Blueprint Example of what I want to achieve. Doing this with blueprints works fine.

Thank You in advance for helping in my study progress. If You need any additional information just let me know.

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Hi Alexa, are you setting the dynamic material in the default constructor or OnConstruction?
Please provide this information I will try to solve, Thanks

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Hello, I have a seperate function for this void AMyharacter::InitSkeletalMesh(); and I am calling this function in the default construction once.

your dynamic material will always be nulled while it calls only once on runtime, you have to call InitSkeletalMesh(); under OnConstruciton or call it after you check for case.

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How? Please give me a small example. Thank You Sir for Help

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void APUBGCharacter::OnConstruction(const FTransform& Transform)
{ //Call Super and then InitSkeletalMesh();}


case EFashionType::E_Jacket:
			InitSkeletalMesh(); //Calling this here will always return **Material_BodyRef** `!null`
			if (::IsValid(Material_BodyRef))



Working like a Charm :smiley: )
Thank You Sir for Help, really appreciated and I actually learned something big , Thank U for helping me in my Studies.

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Calling that function only when it need to be called will save performance, don’t call in tick , you don’t need that to be called every second, only if in EFashionType::E_Jacket: you wil need to call it and in other conditions as I can see in you Enum , you have other cases too.

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Yes right, I got that Idea, Thank You for the help )

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