Why sparse features of Vulkan are disabled?

I found that features about sparse resources are disabled in the function FVulkanPlatform::RestrictEnabledPhysicalDeviceFeatures which is called in VulkanDevice.cpp line 312.

My project needs to use sparse binding features so I enable them forcely in the VulkanDevice.cpp. I just don’t understand why they are disabled manually? I think it would be better if these features can be controlled by config files. Could the official development team support that? Thank you!

static void RestrictEnabledPhysicalDeviceFeatures(VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures& InOutFeaturesToEnable)
		// Disable everything sparse-related
		InOutFeaturesToEnable.shaderResourceResidency	= VK_FALSE;
		InOutFeaturesToEnable.shaderResourceMinLod		= VK_FALSE;
		InOutFeaturesToEnable.sparseBinding				= VK_FALSE;
		InOutFeaturesToEnable.sparseResidencyBuffer		= VK_FALSE;
		InOutFeaturesToEnable.sparseResidencyImage2D	= VK_FALSE;
		InOutFeaturesToEnable.sparseResidencyImage3D	= VK_FALSE;
		InOutFeaturesToEnable.sparseResidency2Samples	= VK_FALSE;
		InOutFeaturesToEnable.sparseResidency4Samples	= VK_FALSE;
		InOutFeaturesToEnable.sparseResidency8Samples	= VK_FALSE;
		InOutFeaturesToEnable.sparseResidencyAliased	= VK_FALSE;