Why photo realistic character project's hair looks blurry?

Hi everyone.
I downloaded the photo realistic character project form epic and found that the character’s hair looks so different from the photos in the documentation.
The hair looks blurry while the photos from documentation looks sharp and clear.

I tried the following settings:
Temporal AA on with up sampling + Tonemap.Sharpen=1 + High res (x3) screenshot

But things don’t get better.

And hair in this project looks very nice. Not sure where’s the problem and how to solve it.

Here’s what I got:

Photo from documentation


OK I see. Turn off Depth of View and everything is fine :P.

But, bro how do I turn OFf?

After selecting the camera, you can turn it off from the details.

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Bro, if you don’t mind so please provide images?

Depth to field

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