Why my UMG decrease framerates on mobile?

I try to optimize my widget. I don’t know why when I add this widget to my viewport in empty level it drop my mobile framerate from 40 to 20 fps. I have tried my best to find solution a full day but I have no luck. I have noticed that when I remove the background image from my umg, the framerate become normal and when I add image on top of each other the framerate drop significantly. This behaviour only happen only when I built project and test on mobile.
My question is how to optimize this umg. Is it because of the overlay image or other reason?

Anyone please help. I’m really glad if you help me find the solution. :pray:

I able to gain back my framerate by using ImagePlate attached to my camera as my ui background image. I avoid using fill screen image in widget. I don’t know the reason why but it’s work. :slightly_smiling_face: