Why my texture doesn't scale with my mesh


I have create Bsp’s prefab to have a mesh. When I import my mesh and I scale it, my texture didn’t scale…

Do you know how to modify this?


-either scale it in your material with a texture coordinate node
-or do it like that: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?18819-Having-some-world-constant-UV-scaling :slight_smile:

Thanks, I’ll try…

I try the second solution but I don’t understand how to do…

You will have to do this setup in your material -> like on the pic
Otherwise download my free foliage pack and take a look at the bark master material :slight_smile:

Thanks for your answer

Ok I’ve done but it 's work only when I scale my mesh symmetrical. If I scale in one direction, my texture change.

Have you an idea ?

Thanks a lot…

Well, that is pretty much to expect… You are scaling asymetrical an the texture becomes asymetrical as well. If you want it to be symetric, then scale symetric…
Personally, I never scale the UVs beyond the 0-1 range and use material scaling instead. This is just a tick more flexible to use…

Thanks a lot. I think I can’t but I hope…

Just add this to your material graph and watch what happens :smiley:



I try this but the material’s scale is symetrical when I scale my mesh asymetrical…


That is

You have to multiply the TextreCoordinate values with a 2D vector and set its components to the values you want to scale to.

Thanks, but I don’t know the scale I’ll use ;-(