They have said in a talk that they are experimenting with ASCII Blueprints, but that there are still issues to solve. So it might even happen at some point in the future
It’s not entirely true.
The developer working on Virtual Texturing is active in this topic:
Just recently question about glTF importer received quick reply:
Audio engineers are active in Audio thread, i.e.
Let’s be honest, I’d be eager to reply to most of the threads here if I’d be Epic’s developer.
- Besides they regular engine work, they obligated to answer on UDN which is a bit of work. I guess it’s already a time-consuming obligation.
- It’s not like on UDN also that engineer would usually say “yes, I understand your issue, we gonna fix it!”. Nope, often you get dismissed or you hear “I understand the issue, we have no plans to do something with it, but please make a pull request”
- Only a handful of issues here can be instantly addressed. There’s no point in engineer coming and saying “yeah, I know this thing is terrible, I’d like to fix it, but I’ve no idea who and when could fix it”. Especially that “Feedback for Epic” includes feedback on everything in the engine and nobody in Epic know every part of engine, so many engineers people would have to browse everything here? Perhaps they would find “technical community managers” which you push valuable feedback to the proper engineering team? But how you’d find such specific people?
- There’s no “premium support” on forums, they sometimes come here if they have time.
Virtual Texturing is a big new feature, that is the main focus now, would be strange if they didn’t answer the thread… in glTF importer they answered that they already making something, so technically that is a lucky coincidence…
But why would you do such forum where you ask people to write what they want and not answering 90%(? I’m new here) of suggestions? If we look at Blender they implement all the little suggestions and bug-fixes pretty fast and they don’t have billions from Fortnite… also Unreal made Epic Store, so money should flow, as I understand. I’m pretty sure they can make really good agile system for suggestions and bugs.
lol rich people aren’t rich for going around expending tons of money mindlessly…
If things are the way they are now towards low profile engine users it’s because they judge not necessary to invest any more than what’s already done. If this type of user was any more important for their strategy as a company than much more attention and more investment would be given.
Hmm… What? I didn’t write SPEND ALL THE MONEY MINDLESSLY. I wrote they have money to make more agile and quick system for suggestions and bug-fixes. And they invest bunch of money in Blender, why not in Unreal?
For the future please read mindfully LOL
Preview 3 also isn’t any different. Can’t undo material instance changes. It can’t be just me?? Worried.
You’re not alone, I’ve noticed today on 4.24 p4 undoing material instance parameters gives only message, but numbers and effect in viewport remain unchanged
Sweeeet effin jesus. Thanks for posting. The bug report person tried to help but gave up since, he couldn’t replicate it.
Do you have any ideas to try? As a last measure, if the final release has the same issue, I’m planning to clean install the engine. Simple reinstall didn’t work though.
Undo is problematic in mostly softwares, because you must register 100% of the data changed to it works corretctly, which usually is done via objects, which will consume tons of memory, and then to optmize it, shortcuts are made which turns the undo system laggy, buggy and risk your whole software archteture.
Would be safer at each modification the Undo write an duplicate version at disk, with properly identification to the history state. But depending of the operation it would turn your harddrive in a RAM
There is:
Right click the asset > Asset Actions > Reload
Also i Suggest Always you changed a parent blueprint which affects many children blueprint, to Right Click the folder, and RESAVE ALL
I already had corrupted many assets by not doing that, because the parent class got changed and the children assets didnt saved, just the parent
Shiny 4.24
But… I… can’t…un…do. What…the…he…ck. Send…chocolates…to my …grave.
Gaaah. I don’t even know if clean install is the solution.
UPDATE: Received another email from bug report help, now, he indeed can reproduce this and has logged it. Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-85711) (Why the “related to” link has been removed from the post?)
Also I don’t get why @tonpix and I are the only ones affected???
I figured out something interesting with undo so I hope this helps.
When you do something and you try to undo and you get that symbol in the bottom right that basically says nothing to undo, just create another node or anything really. Then press undo twice and it will undo the first mistake. This works for me 99% of the time. Idk about 4.24 though but just in general on older engine versions, i have to use this trick.
Thank you TheNebelung. Here the issue is that the message at bottom right, says the undo has reverted the values but the values don’t change in the “instance” parameter. The undo of parameter value inside the material itself works fine. Just the instance parameter undo seems to be not working, which as you can imagine is such a crucial thing.
My bug report was added to tracker Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-85711), dunno why your ue4 person couldn’t reproduce, maybe she/he thought it was inside material editor? In any case, it got reproduced and tracked, so we can wait for fix.
Only 6 people seem to have it so far. This simply cannot be a bug in the code. Otherwise everyone would have had this and no one can work with this.
What could it be? Our system hardware? Windows corruption? Some divers?
As I’ve mentioned I’ve tried reinstalling 4.24 also. Could removing all versions and removing all epic related folders etc. and then reinstalling help??
I also have this.
Now: Unreal Engine 4.24.1 (Upgraded project from 4.23)
Windows 10, 16gb ram, i7, gtx1060.
" When you do something and you try to undo and you get that symbol in the bottom right that basically says nothing to undo, just create another node or anything really ", TY I’ll keep that in mind, but what the heck is going on with UNDO ? Should it matter when you save, can’t there be a global undo cache or however said system ‘works’, to avoid losing entire edits to lacking undo?
Is UE4 the only app void of an effective undo system ?
Man,I hope so, as working diligently ,focused,its very difficult or should we have to, to work without worry of the undo system leaving our artwork in the cold with no undo.
THIS!, or can’t bring back prior ‘sculpt’ after a fair amount of work. For such a modern engine, this is insane. Maybe sculpting 'after save’can’t be undone, but if true I guess the undo system was put in place in the context of those using it, would USE SVN or such ? Till addressed and maybe that was the intent, I’ll just finally get around to plastic and hopefully avoid issues going forward, and backing up with some regularity.
Hey folks - the bug that @Tisanim reported should be fixed in the next hotfix. Stay tuned!