Why is this happening when I build lighting?

I probably suck when it comes to lighting a scene but I’m not sure its me this time. When I build my lighting stuff goes wrong. I get some overlapping UV errors but thats probably not my only issue with this. The bottom wall boards are actually white, no idea how they turned black.

It sounds like it’s due to the overlapping UVs. You will want to make sure there are none, as it can cause issues with making areas of your mesh dark when it shouldn’t be. Check your lightmap uv for optimal spacing, and to ensure there are no faces overlapping each other.

Yea I can see that I have overlapping UVs with the door and the walls around it but the parts along the floors are completely black, if there were overlapping UVs on it wouldn’t there only be small parts that are black. I’ll check the errors again and see which models are affected. Also as a side question is there a way to turn off lens flare on point lights?

Not if each of those panels are overlapping each other, then you would see the error displayed above via the screenshot. I believe you can control lens flare intensity in the post processing volume. Also it looks like your scene is one mesh, you may want to split it into multiple pieces so that you can render it better. You will also be able to make use of smaller lightmaps as opposed to one larger one.

Ok building lighting is too much of a hassle and everything turns out broken regardless of overlapping UVs. I have another annoying issue I cant seem to get rid of now. If the models are to close to the other scene it catches light from the other side of it even if I build the lighting over. I have also turned off every light source except the one point light and post process volume as you can see(I even changed all the static lights to movable and moved them out of the area). It automatically becomes normal if i move the models far enough away from the other scene like in the picture but I can’t have that.

With this one I didnt shut off every light hence why some things are still visible.


You could also bump up the GI / use LPV / I’d need to see the project :\

Sorry I can’t really share the project as it has bought assets and removing them would defeat the purpose because they are probably causing it. Yea I am terrible at lighting. Perhaps you can point me to some proper tutorials on using the lightmassinderectdetailvolume and one that doesn’t use a directional light to light the scene(most annoyingly do this)

Ok, so I figured out a lighting setup that works for me haha. Going in a weird direction as you can see but I like it. And of course with this comes a new weird issue. I have fully dynamic lighting set up now, no more annoying static lighting builds for terrible results. I have already researched this but can’t seem to find someone that is asking my exact question. The shadow of my movable point light gets blurred when a move away from it. I’ve tried changing my ini settings and played with console commands like r.Shadow.FadeResolution, r.Shadow.MinResolution, r.Shadow.TexelsPerPixel, r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold but I am not exactly sure if i am putting it in correctly because nothing happens at all when trying to change values.

EDIT- Why is it putting the values to 0???!!! EDIT 2** - Also trying to change the MinResolution even a tiny amount crashes the engine.


LightmassIndirectDetailVolume, in the add to scene, just type that in there. You’ll see a volume box. Scale that box around the hallway, and rebuild the lighting. It might help, I’m not sure. I was having issues with one section of a scene not receiving any lighting information, and that is what solved it for me.

It’s something to try at least.

There is no such thing. There is Lightmass Character Indirect Detail Volume but that does nothing. It might do something if I was still using my lighting set up as I had in the beginning but check my recent post please.

Maybe he meant lightmass importance volume? AFAIK you already have that in your scene anyway.

The shadow fading is normal, it’s for performance reasons. You can tweak it a little bit but I doubt you can remove the fading completely. Well, I’ve never found how!

Yea but this is kind of a little too crazy its like a switch. The shadow doesnt gradually fade in and out when u get away from it. As soon as i hit close enough BAM it goes full quality. I dont know why. Also my setting are all on Epic so that shouldnt change it.

Does anyone know why my console commands are doing that?

Anybody know how to fix that weird shadow distance error I have on that lamp?