Why is there a circular shadow that follows my camera movement?

No idea what is causing this or how to fix it, but I’m getting a strange circular shadow following the camera and projecting into everything, I didn’t really notice it when everything was a flat Gray texture, but now that I have started adding colour and higher detail to the scene I’ve noticed it.

The two screen shots show the shadows moving whenever I move the camera.


Hey Dan -

What is your Character, Player setup look like in this level? And, what are the types of lights you are using in this level?

Let me know -

Eric Ketchum

Hey Eric

Character is the one that comes with UE4 First- Person, it does that same circular shadows if I switch the game mode to not using a character and just have the basic fly around, also I forgot to mention that the circular shadows are persistent when in editor mode and play mode.

Lighting is a Dominant Directional light and Skylight for overall lighting, with Spotlights pointing at white planes at every window (this was needed to compensate for UE4s broken indirect lighting and light bouncing), I used details from ArchViz / Lighting - Game Development - Unreal Engine Forums for setting up lighting, although I don’t use the modified lightmass.ini



I was going to call it a night, but decide to experiment a little, I got rid of the skylight, and the circles disappeared.

So I either have no skylight and adjust some textures, as it has now changed the whole look and feel of my scene or put it back in and work out what to change in the skylight settings to stop the circles without losing the look it gives the scene.

did you ever figure out what was causing this? inside of the skylight. I’m still having the issue on 4.17

I’m working in 4.17 and deleting my skylight did not solve the issue.

Did anyone fix this, I have issue as well with dynamic lighting, So annoying,makes no sense.

Seems like Distance Field Ambient Occlusion in Skylight details may cause those strange moving with camera shadow artifacts


Replying so that other travellers might see my solution:

I found that if I play around with the Cascaded Shadow Maps settings on the DirectionalLight I could increase the render distance and even fade it better. Now it all looks natural.

It’s the dynamic shadows render distance causing this.

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