Why is the from source built engine always rebuilt when i compile my project?

I successfully built Unreal Engine from the ue5-main branch and retargeted a project created with the installed ue5.0.3 to it.
Now the Visual Studio Solution contains the retargeted project and projects to the Unreal Engine and all its tools.

But every time i compile the solution, VS tries to compile all of the projects of Unreal, not just the retargeted project.
When i stop the compilation and recompile Unreal Engine from its generated VS solution (UE5.sln, the one created with GenerateProjectFiles.bat) which contains the same projects, VS is not trying to compile all of them again but just checks all targets and reports “Target is up to date” for each of them.

I think this issue is asking for the same so i’ve read about Installed Builds (formerly known as rocket builds) and maybe these would change the behavior but i’m wondering if there’s an easier way where i can use the retargeted project as it is.
I’m also wondering what the current behavior of rebuild the engine, plugins and tools locally per project is useful for.

I guess i could just tweak the solution every time and disable the build for all UE projects in VS Configurations Manager but that would get cumbersome quite quickly. Maybe there’s a option which can be set which does this when “Generate Visual Studio project files” is executed for a .uproject?

Did you find a solution ? This problem is here since 2014 and I never saw any solution working…