I am just trying to learn the basics of the editor. So I have created a new material and opened it in the material editor. From there I add a Vector3 node. When I double click on that node, it attempts to open the color picker, but then the entire editor freezes, and I have to close it with Task Manager. Any help on how to figure out the issues is appreciated.
Can you please attach the following information, your DXDIAG and if you can look in the Windows Event view and post the event file for this freeze? If you need help getting the Event File, you can use this guide:
I’ve attached the dxdiag results. I’ve looked through the event viewer but was unable to see any application errors where the link says they are. Are there any other places I can look for the logs?
In addition, I was looking at Task Manager with it in the “Not Responding” state, and if I select “Analyze wait chain” it says that “One or more threads of UE4Editor.exe are waiting to finish network I/O”
This is an issue caused by the Intel Integrated Graphics Card Driver, but since you have a NVidida Video Card as well, it is most likely that the Editor is not triggered to used the Nvidia card byu default. You will need to go into your Nvidia Control Panel and insure that UE4Editor.exe (The Editor’s Executable) is set to use the Nvidia Card and not the Integrated Graphics Card.
To fix the driver issue directly you will need to get the latest version of the Intel Integrated Graphics.
I did all of this, and I am still having the issue. I updated all my graphics card drivers, and I set the NVidia to be the default for all programs and then added it specifically for ue4editor. Are there any other places I can look?
Download the newest version of the Intel drivers which can be found here:
will fix the crashing you are experiencing.
I should note that other users have reported that Intel (or their computer/laptop manufacturer) is telling them that they do not need an update. If this is the case, please check to make sure that your driver version is below the driver number. (which according to your DXDIAG, it is) If it is at that driver number and you are still having this issue, please let us know. If not, one user had to force install the new update by downgrading his driver to an older version and then manually installing the driver linked above.
I am uncertain as to why the switching to the Discrete Graphics Card did not fix the issue, unless you are running your Laptop in Power Saving Mode or there is a feature you have turned on which forces a power saving mode. Downloading the Intel Graphics Driver will fix the issue.
Same issue, and it actually said that those drivers were older than the ones that I have. I was poking around in the FPS sample project. It seems like anytime it goes to open a third window, it locks up. Anything else I can test or try?
According to your DXDIAG, you are on Driver Version:, I sent you a link to Driver version: Your Laptop manufacturer may limit your ability to update the driver, which I mention above. In this case you will need to contact the manufacturer or their support website to know how to go about updating your Intel Graphics Driver.
I have answered this exact crash issue numerous times and the answer is always to update that card. If it looks like you are updating the card but your DXDIAG continues to show the wrong version number then you need to seek assistance from your Laptop manufacturer, because many Laptop manufacturers will limit access to updating certain Motherboard related drivers.
If you feel I can still help I will need you to go back into Windows Event View and output any Error, Warning or Other that occurred within a 5 hour window around when the freeze took place.
I apologize for the last ones. The download from that link would not install correctly. I found one for my specific card (5600) and got it installed. The driver version now is: And the same thing is still happening.
Ok, so I am going to need you to go back to Windows Event Viewer and look for any entries in Critical Errors or Warnings that happen around 2 hours before or after the time of the actual crash time.
I recommend getting the freeze again and waiting at least 30 mins before using the Task Manager to close the editor. Hopefully it will ultimately close down without the Task Manager but if not the time should allow Windows to record an entry. Chances are it will be listed as an Application Error.