Why is source control not working?

I’m currently using Unreal Engine 4.10 and BitBucket, and I can’t seem to get the source control working.
Here’s an example of what I do in the bash console and what results I get back.

$ git remote -v
origin  https://@bitbucket.org/raastudios/raagame.git (fetch)
origin  https://@bitbucket.org/raastudios/raagame.git (push)

I’ve used Git before but this is just nerveracking, I don’t see what’s wrong.

I’ve tried for hours and I’ve still found no solution to be able to pull and push from inside Unreal Engine. Me and my friend can pull and push using the bash console but it’s not ideal for us, we want to see in the content browser who’s checked out what and what needs to be synced, etc.

I’ve seen people do tutorial videos for Perforce and other Git methods, and it looks like they work perfectly for them but it’s not working for us. Maybe this is a bug?

I really need a hand with this, can anyone help? Thanks in advance!

Hello ,

What kind of problems are you having? Is it failing to connect to source control when you hit the “Accept Settings” button? If so, could you try this again and then copy/paste the information from the Output log in case there are any more specific error messages there? If not, what symptoms are occurring? Does it accept the settings but then never show and updates related to source control?

As much information as possible would be helpful. I’ve never used BitBucket myself, the only Github based Source Control I’ve used is the one provided by Git themselves so there could be some issues that I’m just not aware of.

Hi ,

Thanks for helping! It seems to connect fine when I press “Accept Settings”, but the issue is the second one you described, about accepting the settings then never showing updates related the the source control.

I recently started using BitBucket to try and reproduce your issue. I’m having some issues getting it set up but working with it has made me think of something. I’m wondering if it has something to do with BitBucket requiring a username/password everytime a commit is made. Have you try using git source control via another provider such as Git to see if the intermediary is the problem?

I’ll continue getting BitBucket set up but wanted to give you something to try in the meantime.

Sure thing! I’ll give that a try, thanks a lot!

We haven’t heard from you in a while, . Have you had a chance to try the other method of Git source control? If so, please let me know how it worked out. In the meantime, I’ll be marking this issue as resolved for tracking purposes. Whenever you’re available, please let me know via a comment and the post will reopen.

Okay, I tried my hand at GitHub and it seems so be going worse, I can’t even push or pull, I have errors correcting, etc.

What kind of errors are you receiving? Also, have you tried following this tutorial for setting up the source control to ensure that it is being set up correctly?

I did try following it, sorry I haven’t replied here on a while, I gave up after a bit, Perforce would seem easier to use with Unreal Engine, I sure wish some sort of Google Drive link would be incorporated into the future.

Hi, I’ve made a post about this, we are expriencing the same issue Cannot connect to source control using Subversion in UE5.4.1

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