Cannot connect to source control using Subversion in UE5.4.1

Hi, we have upgraded our project from UE5.3.2 to UE5.4.1 (using launcher version), and source control doesn’t connect anymore using Subversion.

We have our repositories in a private server using SVN, which is working fine for any project we have. Tortoise SVN and login through web browser also works without any issue, but when trying to connect to SVN from inside the editor, it just won’t connect. We have checked many times the URL, usernames and passwords, we’ve tried with different users and in different computers, making a complete clean checkout of the project, but nothing works since we upgraded to UE5.4.1. Reverting back to UE5.3.2 makes it work again, so it seems a problem with the new version.

The error we get is: “SourceControl: Error: Failed to connect to revision control. Check your settings and connection then try again.”

Is anyone experiencing this issue when upgrading to UE5.4.1?

Experiencing the same Issue in UE5.4.1;
We are using “svn tortoise Subversion”, And It can’t currently connect inside the editor in UE5.4 at all.
(It just says failed to connect.)
It’s working in windows explorer but not in the editor at all.
We tested this from at least 4 different geograpical locations.

It’s also mentioned in this post:


I see, thank you! Hope Epic solves it quickly :grimacing:

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I have same problem. UE5.4.1
“Failed to connect to revision control. Check your settings and connection then try again.”
UE5.3.2 is working well


I having the same problem here.
Any update from Epic about this bug?
Kind Regards.

Same problem here! Works fine in Windows but can’t connect in the editor >.<

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I use UE 5.4.1 source code version.
There is also the same error.

While comparing with version 5.3, I solved the error by modifying the following code.

I modified the code in Engine/Source/Runtime/XmlParser/XmlFile.cpp.

if (IsWhiteSpace(Ch) && Ch != TEXT(‘\n’) && !bInQuote) ==>
if (IsWhiteSpace(Ch) && !bInQuote)

Currently the source controller is working fine.

I haven’t noticed any other issues with this fix.


Epic told me the fix is intended to be released in the next 5.4.2 hotfix.

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any idea when will be updated?

Soon I hope… My entire studio run with Subversion

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I recompiled the engine based on this gentleman’s instructions and generated new UnrealEditor-XmlParser.dll . Players who have installed version 5.4.1 from the Epic Launcher can simply replace Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-XmlParser.dll to successfully connect to SVN. google drive link:UnrealEditor-XmlParser.dll - Google Drive


@Amanda.Schade Is this fixed recommended? I have an entire team stopped waiting for 5.4.2 to be resolved, will I have a problem changing the engine dll?

Complementing the solution worked, thanks @zhanhun!


Thank you very much! This was the only way we could solve this problem.

SVN is working again on UE 5.42. Update

2024-06-04 22_45_06-Arrecife - Unreal Editor