For some reason part of my mesh is grayed out. Attached are a few pictures. I am new to 3D modeling so I apologize if I am being unclear.
Can we see the wireframe of the model? It looks like you either have some skewed polygons or n-gons that would be converted to triangles automatically, that could cause some light issues on the model when baking lighting.
Hi Adam,
What is your Light map resolution set to for this object? If you didn’t adjust it, it will be 32 by default. Try setting this to something like 64 or 128 and see if we get the same results.
Also, Did this happen after you built lighting or was it this way initially? If it was this was initially this could be something with the mesh rather than lightmaps.
Let me know how that works out. If this doesn’t fix it I could take a look at the mesh for you if you want to attach a link for it here or if you don’t want to make it public you can send a link via the forums to me in a private message.
Thank you!
Hey Adam,
We’ve not heard from you in a few days. If you’re still having the issue please feel free to post here and I’ll offer any assistance.
Thank you!