Why Is One Client Controling Both Pawns?

I have a multiplayer game with 2 players and 2 pawns. Using print statements, I found that inputs are fired for only one of the two pawns. It seems that only one PlayerController’s SetupInputComponent function is being called. Am I missing something? Both PlayerController got constructed.

Let A := GetLocalRole() == RoleAuthority, B := IsLocallyControlled()

For the pawns, the correct distribution of instances should be

pawn_0: 1 instance where A and not B, 1 instance where not A and B, 1 instance where not A and not B

pawn_1: same as above

However, by printing in the pawn’s begin play, my pawns have the following distribution

pawn_0: 1 instance where A and not B, 2 instances where not A and B

pawn_1: 1 instance where A and not B, 2 instances where not A and not B

This means one client is locally controlling two pawns.

My code is the following

GameMode file inheriting AGameMode

ADragRaceGameMode::ADragRaceGameMode() : Super()
	PlayerControllerClass = ADragRacePlayerController::StaticClass();
	DefaultPawnClass = ADragRaceSpaceship::StaticClass();

void ADragRaceGameMode::PostLogin(APlayerController* NewPlayer)
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("gamemode post login called"));


	ADragRacePlayerController* PC = Cast<ADragRacePlayerController>(NewPlayer);
	auto spawnLocation = PC->GetSpawnLocation();

		FVector(spawnLocation.X + 100, spawnLocation.Y, spawnLocation.Z),

AActor* ADragRaceGameMode::ChoosePlayerStart_Implementation(AController* Player)
	TArray<AActor*> playerStarts;
	UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(GetWorld(), APlayerStart::StaticClass(), playerStarts);

	for (AActor* actor : playerStarts)
		auto start = (APlayerStart*)actor;
		if (start->PlayerStartTag != TEXT("Taken"))
			start->PlayerStartTag = TEXT("Taken");
			return start;
	return nullptr;

PlayerController file inheriting APlayerController

	: Super()


void ADragRacePlayerController::BeginPlay()

	ship = Cast<ADragRaceSpaceship>(GetPawn());

void ADragRacePlayerController::SetupInputComponent()
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("player controller SetupInputComponent %s"), *GetFName().ToString());
	InputComponent->BindAction("DragRaceBoost", IE_Pressed, this, &ADragRacePlayerController::Boost);
	InputComponent->BindAction("DragRaceBoost", IE_Released, this, &ADragRacePlayerController::EndBoost);

void ADragRacePlayerController::Boost()
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s boost pressed"), *GetFName().ToString());

void ADragRacePlayerController::EndBoost()
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s end boost pressed"), *GetFName().ToString());

My Pawn is basically a subclass from APawn.

Any hints would be much appreciated.