why is my material doesn't look good?

can you help me fix this problem ?

First plug the red channel into specular. And then plug a constant1(press and hold 1 and click on the canvas) into roughness and try values between 0 nd 1.

Or, create a Lerp node(press and hold L then click on the canvas), plug the red channel into it’s alpha input. And then enter values between 0 and 1 into A and B. Plug Lerp to Roughness(no specular needed)

It is hard to see if it is working or not without knowing how you set the lights.

How does it look in material editor from different angles?


didnt work

If its the seam down the middle that you want help with, thats a uv issue, you need to either change the uvs in a modelling software or edit the texture to be tile-able in something like photoshop