I am currently working on a simulator, using Unreal Engine 4.16 version. I have started my project with a 3rd person template and then, switched toward the VR direction, trying to implement my Oculus Rift in my simulation. Everything was going well so far, until I realized that my camera is not moving with the headset movements. I am talking about the position, not the rotation. The rotation is doing well, but I can’t find out how to make the camera move with the headset. It is like a 360° video: I can rotate the camera, but not move it.
I am guessing it is due to the fact that I started my project with a 3rd person template, but I also tried to create a new default VR project and the same thing happens: my camera is turning around but can not be moved.
What could I be missing? Did this happen to someone else before? I’ve found nothing similar to my case on the web.
And by the way, I am using Blueprints but I am still open for C++ solutions.