Why is my behavior tree always deleted?

Hi everyone !

I am using the behavior tree. I did nothing special, but now, when I start the engine, it shows me an error message and the behavior is empty. Of course, when I quit the engine, the tree is full of nodes and it saves correctly, so I close the engine without trouble. But, when I start it again, there is nothing in the graph.

When I save it and there is nothing in the graph, if I restart UE4, it did not display me the error.

I tried to delete the file and remake it but it never work, even if I delete it in the folder of my computer !

Here are some screenshot :

The error it shows me at the beginning

The behavior tree which can’t stop disappearing.

Is my file corrupt or something like this ?

Thank you for helping me !

What UE4 version are you using? It seems you have BT editor disabled (which I wasn’t aware is possible!).

Or maybe your BT asset is being loaded before the BT editor gets loaded? Do you force-load your BT asset from native code? Any additional info would be helpful. And logs :slight_smile:



Hello !

Thank you for helping me !

I am using the 4.5.1 version of UE4. I am did not modify anything in the engine code and I have no idee what you are talking about (sorry ^^) !

Here is the log at the start of the engine.

I hope it is not too much.

Thank you !

There was a similar question I’ve already answered: Behaviour tree: Can't find file for asset - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums
Let me know if it’s the case for you as well.