Why is Line Mesh not Visible When Played?

Hi everyone,

I created a LineMeshComponent inherited from UMeshComponent, and I have code like this in my



for (int32 ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < Views.Num(); ViewIndex++)
			if (VisibilityMap & (1 << ViewIndex))
				const FSceneView* View = Views[ViewIndex];
				// Draw the mesh.
				FMeshBatch& Mesh = Collector.AllocateMesh();
				FMeshBatchElement& BatchElement = Mesh.Elements[0];
				BatchElement.IndexBuffer = &IndexBuffer;
				Mesh.bWireframe = bWireframe;
				Mesh.VertexFactory = &VertexFactory;
				Mesh.MaterialRenderProxy = MaterialProxy;
				BatchElement.PrimitiveUniformBuffer = CreatePrimitiveUniformBufferImmediate(GetLocalToWorld(), GetBounds(), GetLocalBounds(), true, UseEditorDepthTest());
				BatchElement.FirstIndex = 0;
				BatchElement.NumPrimitives = IndexBuffer.Indices.Num() / 2;
				BatchElement.MinVertexIndex = 0;
				BatchElement.MaxVertexIndex = VertexBuffer.Vertices.Num() - 1;
				Mesh.ReverseCulling = IsLocalToWorldDeterminantNegative();
				Mesh.Type = PT_LineList;
				Mesh.DepthPriorityGroup = SDPG_World;
				Mesh.bCanApplyViewModeOverrides = false;
				Collector.AddMesh(ViewIndex, Mesh);

This works fine in the editor like this:


But when I click Play, It just disappeared.

How to handle this problem?