Why is gravity not working in Niagara Emitter?

Hello. I’ve been wanting to learn to use the Niagara system and completely use it instead of Cascade in future projects. But for almost every guide or tutorial I find, something either has changed, no longer exists, or just plain doesn’t work.

I’m following a tutorial on YouTube about making a flame effect, but almost 7 minutes in, I already got stuck. I’m supposed to put a gravity module in my stack, but it does nothing. I didn’t change any settings, except for adding a Solve Forces and Velocity module after the gravity module. Is there something I’m doing wrong? (Image below)

I figured it out. For some reason, the particle mass was set to none. I guess things that have no mass can’t be affected by gravity. :sweat_smile:

any other solution? mass is 1 i think and still no movement, im trying to simulate rocks on a character manequin and this always doesnt work for me

found solution, so use particle spawn area in niagra to spawn mesh particles at skeletal mesh location. only there and use vertexes or faces, your choise, and have gravity enabled.

my issue was,i was using skeletal mesh location at particle update and not particle spawn, i guess issue was there, must of not made sense