Why is Enemy Dying In One Hit?

I set up the blueprints for my enemy but it is dying in one hit, please help! I attached my enemy BP please let me know if you need anything else. (new to this) thank you!

Why are you using “Bone” for both branches?

And UE has nodes for apply and receive damage.

yeah I thought using bones for both was weird, I followed a tutorial, however I just removed the bone for false and it doesn’t fix my problem.

Do a print at the start, see how much times it fires.

just once

Now, check using print which route is execution goes.

sorry, what do you mean? I’m pretty new to this.

Place print after first brunch, on both true and false pins

okay, the false didnt show me a message

Show me what calls this Event Take Damage

This is the only thing that the tutorial had in there. I tried changing the damage value but it made no difference.

Who is applying the damage? They must have call for this event.

All he had done was create the input and then connected the input to the bottom of the subtract here with nothing else to it. No nothing to tell the software what this input actually is.

What is this “tutorial”?

AI Take Damage - #28 Creating A First Person Shooter (FPS) In Unreal Engine 5 - YouTube this guy.

3:28, he creates a call for the event.

(sorry about this by the way)

I have that setup and it still doesn’t work

Place print before this call and connect purple line to string, see what name it returns.

The name it returned was the name of my Bone which is just called “Bone” should I print after?

You have only one bone named “Bone”?

And here is the problem - If it’s returns only “Bone”, then it will go only to true on first branch and set Health to 0.