Why is Enemy Dying In One Hit?

yeah, I figured I only needed one bone for a slime creature. how do I fix this? Is this the wrong tutorial for my Enemy seeing as it only has one bone?

This tutorial is made for the body/head shot. You can use it, all you need is to remove unnecessary parts. Remove bone name pin from event take damage. Remove this two first brunches. And remove top part, you donā€™t need it.

omg it works! I donā€™t see it updating in the health bar but that works! thank you so much for your patience

Glad to hear that you resolved your problem.

Make sure to mark this thread as solved.

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manā€¦ I really am this personā€¦ how do I mark this as solved? lol


I donā€™t have thatā€¦ I am so sorry for this.


Well, donā€™t worry, this happens sometimes (for some unknown reason), you are not the first this happens to.

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Thank you so much, have a great day!