Why is collision being ignored on my Blueprint's Static Mesh component?


Using MyCharacter blueprint from examples, I added a static mesh (capsule) to blueprint and added a collider to it. problem is, collider from added mesh is being ignored.

Any ideas?


Hey fdjveiga,

Can you post a picture of your component list? Usually you put your main world collision on your root capsule component. Any collision on children of that capsule will have to get through root collision first, so if that’s blocking most (as default does) than any other collision won’t get checked.

An example would be on an enemy pawn. enemy’s root collision would block most things, as a pawn does, but would ignore Projectiles. If hit by a projectile, projectile will go through that capsule collision and hit pawn mesh’s collision behind that. pawn could then react to hits from a projectile based on material type or hit location, potentially play a hit animation or spawn an emitter, etc.

Does that make sense? What are you using secondary collision for?

Hi, secondary collision is a surfboard, so root collision should never be “reached”, as surfboard is first collider to hit ground.

Here are screens showing component list of my character blueprint.


Hi fdjveiga,

You’re going to run into some problems with additional collision components when you use Character class, as class is designed specifically for vertically-oriented player representation and Capsule is meant to be primary collision detection for world. It sounds like you’re making a different type of character, one that includes a board. You’re probably going to need to create a mesh that includes both and has various animations for movements, hit reactions, falling off board, etc. Then you’ll need to create a custom Pawn class rather than a Character class.

If you’d still like to do it way you have it in your pictures above, you can create a Pawn class Blueprint, set up a Capsule as your Root, have your character’s Skeletal Mesh below that, and board below that. With that setup, world should detect collision on your board. You’ll need to set up your own movement controls in that case, though.

Hope that helps!

Its out of topic but related,

I have tried a similar setup:

  • Extended from Pawn
  • Added capsule component as root
  • Added StaticMesh(with its own collision mesh) as a child of Capsule. collision mesh of staticmesh extends outside capsule in some area.

But problem is collsion mesh on static mesh seems to be completely ignored. Only capsule seems to have any effect. I have set StaticMesh’s collision to Block_All.

Hi ,

Building my own Pawn is not a great solution, as I do use a lot of properties in CharacterMovement.

Is there really no way to override capsule component and use another collider as main collision source?


Shameless bump to this question :wink:

Is there any way to override capsule component and use another collider as main collision source for a Character?

It would really be an useful feature. If not, at least being able to use an horizontal capsule would help.


Hey fdjveiga,

It sounds like developers are giving some consideration for non-upright characters, but I do not have a current timeline for any changes to that. For now, building your own pawn and your own custom movement system may be your only solution.

I am also still looking into possibility that there is a bug with additional collision not being detected, and will let you know if I am able to find anything.

Thanks for your patience!

I’m having exactly same issue. (Version 4.2.0)

Created a pawn and can’t get any collision with an added static mesh component. It also doesn’t work using an additional box component from standard list or one of standard content shapes such as a cone.

Setting root collision box to Pawn collision preset doesn’t generate any collisions at all.

static mesh collides normally if placed independently in scene.

same, im making a game where you play a dragon so I really need to be able to have quite advanced collisions on it as wings can go right out and it can change position a lot.

If I use skeletal mesh as root I can have quite advanced collisions but A it turns into a rag-doll and B it falls even when gravity is turned off.

other option was to have multiple collisions under root but it seams like only root can collide with anything.

Have you tried using physics constraints to make sure rag doll isn’t noticeable, and to move just rotate constraints on dragon?

This is my current understanding:

If you don’t use physics a pawn won’t get hit collision events. Characters don’t have this restriction ( reasons why are unclear).

In addition, creating custom collisions for characters are at best tricky. I have had no luck myself so far with adding two capsules to a single character for instance.

It’d be great to see some improvements here imho to an otherwise most awesome game engine.

Looking at number of collision questions with characters, it may be worth time for Epic to revisit and make flow of how to add custom collisions and compositing character blueprints a bit more natural. specificity of character internals are pretty opaque and what would seem logical and simple doesn’t work.

Perhaps we need a new character, just a thought.

In my case, disabling auto-weld solved this issue for me


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If you want to make your MESH to collide with things.

You could enable this property:


let me know if it worked for you.

I had to manually get constraint in BP within parent and unchecked Set Parent Dominates, though it was toggled off in Details. Maybe it is switched on while being attached behind curtains. Could be a strange bug. Would be nice, if s.o. could confirm this.

Also unchecking “Use attach to parent bound” and “Weld Simulated Bodys” if used, could be worth a try. (Auto-weld in Details is only for 1 simulated + 1 non-physics simulated body, so should be greyed out)