Why is 4.25 totally un-friendly to VR? (major stereo layer problem)

4.25.1 refuses to save when a blueprint with Stereo Layers is used in the level. Also, the game does not run in VR for more than 1.18 seconds, as the log says, with or without blueprints with stereo layers in the level. What is going on? Is VR support suspended? No, I haven’t tried anything with blank projects because my project is not new and is working with every unreal version for about a year now. Any thoughts? This is starting to get really frustrating…

I got this when running Launch: Game still freezing.

LogPlayLevel: Error: [2020.06.10-09.23.47:510][284]LogHMD: Error: FOculusHMDModule::GetPluginWrapper().EndFrame4 282 failed (-1006)
LogPlayLevel: Error: [2020.06.10-09.24.17:512][284]LogHMD: Error: FOculusHMDModule::GetPluginWrapper().BeginFrame4 283 failed (-1000)
LogPlayLevel: Error: [2020.06.10-09.24.17:512][284]LogHMD: Error: FOculusHMDModule::GetPluginWrapper().WaitToBeginFrame 284 failed (-1000)

When Stereo Layers are used in the “steam” option (which I think was not there in 4.24) the project can be saved. But still, the game freezes after a few seconds of running in VR Preview. Someone please help? I am literally being locked out of my project. No one else has this problem?

UPDATE: It’s STILL the Stereo Layers. If I remove the blueprints having them, VR Preview runs perfectly fine. So what’s the deal with stereo layers? Is there a new way to set them up? Are they not supported anymore and an alternative came up that I don’t know about?

After checking and un-checking every tick and box around the stereo layers, it finally works as intended without doing anything differently. The project is now able to save even when using quad layers, something that couldn’t be done initially. I have no idea what was causing it.

Hey there, just wondering if you know what you checked/unchecked to make this work? My project failed to open in 4.25, and I saw this thread, deleted the stereo layer in 4.24 (wasn’t really necessary), and it opened fine (so thanks on that) - may need this info in the future.


Hello! I checked and un-checked literally everything in my attempt to find what is wrong. I was just changing an option in the stereo layers, then tested, then again. I am pretty sure I did them all until the project started working and saving so I don’t remember anything specific. I am pretty angry myself I don’t have a clear solution. What I remember is that I ended up having my stereo layers setup exactly the same way I had them when the problems were present, so I didn’t change anything.

It appears there were some changes made to stereo layers from Epic (if I remember correctly the layer shape menu is different than in 4.24, has that steamvr option now), so maybe what I eventually did was re-construct my stereo layers by ticking and un-ticking everything. The next thing I would try is to completely erase them and make them all over again. Unfortunately 4.25 and 4.26 introduce many changes and bugs (one of them being we can’t resample the terrain anymore, clearly an omission) and also, UE5 is on the way. So I expect a bumpy road ahead! Sorry I’m not very helpful, I hope you find your way out of this mess!

to fix it just select a random voice (eg. “cubemap layer”) then select “quad layer” then again a random voice and finally “quad layer”.

you can now save the bp