I’m using Runtime Mesh Component and I have a debug mesh I used to draw stuff. It has a simple material that uses vertex colors. In 4.14 I had no problems with it but now when it tries to draw the debug mesh I get this msg
ensureMsgf(false, TEXT("PrimitiveComponent tried to render with Material %s, which was not present in the component's GetUsedMaterials results\n Owner: %s, Resource: %s"), *MaterialInterface->GetName(), *GetOwnerName().ToString(), *GetResourceName().ToString());
This message I can skip by hitting f5 in VS. This moves forward like there was no problem. So, what is causing this and can I disable it because it clearly doesn’t avoid harm as the game runs fine after.
I’m still running into this. It’s very annoying. In the ensureMSGF you can see that it is only allowed to run once. So every time I test my game I have to play, then wait for the error to pop up, then hit f5 in visual studio to continue on. This occurs each time I load the editor game.
Are you setting a dynamic material at some interval for your RuntimeMesh ? i am close to fixing this issue on my end, in my case my RTM may or may not have vertices and at another point i am applying a dynamic material to the RTM, which is triggering the above ensure. The first occurs at a timed interval (timer) and the second within Tick, so the above trigger condition in my case is correct because at some point the material will not be the expected one due to an error on my part (syncing the update), i have just disabled the bit that calls (in my code ) mp_RuntimeMesh->SetMaterial(0, mp_DynamicMaterial); and the error goes away. Sorry for the butchered formatting