Why I cant set up BlackBoard Key in Behavior Tree? It gives me no options

Node Rotate To Face BB Entry. I press “None” option expecting to see 2 variants, but i get nothing.

Also I’ve deleted default variable SelfActor but after restarting UE it appeared again.

I believe that Rotate to face BB Entry requires an Actor variable, but it looks like your blackboard vars are Object not Actor


As eblade already mentioned, the variable needs to be actor based.

Here’s how to get it done: In your blackboard definition make sure to open the expansion in Key Type to select a Base Class. Something that can easily be overlooked. By default it is Object. Change it to Actor or even some of your specific actor based blueprint classes.


The SelfActor is something you do not get rid of, it is something by default being there and does get regenerated if removed. That’s normal behaviour.

For the Rotate to face BB entry, a simple vector type variable is accepted as well to pass in a location to rotate towards.


I appreciate your clarifications!