Why Exponential Height Fog not working in UE5?

I am new to Unreal Engine and currently checking out few tutorials. The issue is when I add Exponential Height Fog in to the scene there is no visible effect at all.


press Alt+F or click ‘Show’ in the Viewport → Fog
Just have got the same problem.


Hey guys ,

I have the same issue my fog only applying to my landscape , while I would expect to be on all the world hiding the black horizon … Any ideas ?

Thank you !

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Worked like a charm! :blush::raised_hands:t4: Thank you!

Make sure you don’t have multiple fogs :wink:

Why it was so easy :rofl:

Thanks so much!!! It’s worth noting that Alt+F will also affect the visibility of the built-in fog in the Sky Atmosphere actor, even if you do NOT have an Exponential Height Fog actor.

Hi, i still have the same problem. I only created a standard vr world and put in the exponential high fog next to the other 3 lights, but the black part does not go away. I tried all your solutions already. Hope you have an idea. Best regards, Mirco

Thats probably because you dont have a SkySphereBlueprint added to your level.

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